I couldn’t express my emotion fully on twitter. So to expand. If you watch the video at this point you can see how much it means to these three lads. This is 15 mins after full time. The pure joy and hope and relief and promise that is shown here is exactly what I think we are all feeling. Wether you’re the negative nellys on here (I’ve been one this season, justifiably soo think) or the most upbeat and positive outlook. The win against United I was at home, alone like I usually am, almost in tears when full time went. I felt like I could feel that hug personally. I have very few friends in life as a result that if I give people my time and they don’t ever give it back then I don’t waste my time on them. Everton is all I have barring my understanding but utterly clueless about football wife. I have no place in life where I belong apart from Everton. A friend in work saying he doesn’t understand why people get upset over football or why it bothers them, it’s pointless etc. he along with others just do not get it. to me, Everton is everything, it’s the only place I have ever belonged.m. I’ve avoided the match since about November due to it having a negative effect on my mental health. It was an unpleasant place full of anger, frustration and negativity. I have let my nephews have my tickets as they’re young enough that it doesn’t bother them. They love it win lose or draw and even have the cheek when they can’t go to ask their grandad to get them a new kit etc.
The FANS have made me want to go again. Win lose or draw the fans have been out of this world and almost South American like. Win lose or draw I can’t wait to go back and be a part of it, and I’ve said to my brother I won’t be having the ticket back to stop the boys going, as that’s not fair but I’ll take any extra he can find. The supporters have been incredible the past month. Putting aside the history of the season, putting aside personal vendettas. Swallowing a little bit of pride in one respect to put all their pride to the forefront. I can’t wait to get back and just hope this wave of blind support, absolutely blind support for the love of the club continues so I can be a part of it.
Even if the worst happens, it’s a much easier thing to take mentally when the crowd have been so supportive, the players are working hard to fix it and saying well, we won’t go without a fight. I saw no way out a few weeks ago and I’ve been confident we would go down for months. The crowd have given the players a chance to right wrongs, the crowd have given a Lampard a chance to build confidence.
The supporters have given me some pride back. I’m in an office full of reds (in Blackburn…) who have no family ties to Liverpool, no heritage to Liverpool and it’s been horrid having to avoid all football talk. In fairness they are fairly sound lads and most won’t say anything as they know how much I care but it’s been so difficult. Having that pride back, having that hope back.
No real point of this post. Felt too football related to be in the mental health thread.
Just pure emotion.