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I agree. FWIW I think you are doing the right thing by the TWF. From Garrys post, it does seem like he tried objectively to stick to the rules that were set out. I do however think he has maybe painted a very pretty picture with his rendition, and its actually the personal side of things he is alleged to have done, which was aimed at specific people that is causing this ill feeling. A leopard does not change its spots sadly. So it would be a shame to let TWF build up again over a period of time and for a similar meltdown to happen all over again. Forums are hard work, mostly put in by honest members that just want a place to enjoy themselves. I am still a bit stunned one MOD has apparently caused such fallout.

I'd like to see TWF get back to how it was. I am not sure its going to happen though as I think a few people need to talk to each other and get a few things off their chest without harsh words being said(if possible). Going forward with it, there would have to be more of an oversight from yourself L to admin activities or this might just blow up all over again.
This elitest or trusted members area sounds ridiculous. The only thing that could ever be discussed in there was other members. What was the point in that decision exactly.

I don't know. From my perspective it seems like someone has to make an apology. It needs to be a good one and then people need to make a decision on how to move forward (or how to revert and work together again).

Agreed with all of this.

As far as the Senior Members section was concerned, I never viewed it as some sort of elitist section but just as another place for old timers to sit around and chat. And we were continuing to add people to it so I thought it was a bit fun.
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Agreed with all of this.

As far as the Senior Members section was concerned, I never viewed it as some sort of elitist section but just as another place for old timers to sit around and chat. And we were continuing to add people to it so I thought it was a bit fun.[/QUOTE]

Old timer at 39, come on lad. It was fun and I was very honoured and proud last November to become a part of it. One bonus of that place, we never saw Garry it seems he was busy saving the world.

It is very sad from my perspective that never having been given a warning, never having received replies to pms sent to 'he that must be obeyed' I am now barred from that same forum by an autocrat who has lost the plot. Through all of this I have nothing to apologise for because what I have done and said I believe is/was fitting, and I'm sure others feel the same way.

The one person noticeable by their absence having representation made on his behalf by Lyndon is Garry, I wonder why? The best that can happen now is coexistence, it will have to suffice as a hit list will exists in TW, drawn up by someone I have no trust in whatsoever, it is in his nature to seek reprisals which may just entertain some..
Danny is banned over there!!! Everybody demoted!!! So by being involved in setting up this forum I am penalised over there!
Deleting posts is an admission of guilt.

whats this bullshit about Garry trying to stick to rules?? he just didn't have to put up with keith because he was never on the forum! and then when he was for a day and exchanged a few posts with him... BANG keith was banned, Danny and Dylan will know how smug seeing that happen made me feel.

Don't forget the users that Garry banned purely because they annoyed him, halewood blue for example.

He doesn't stick to rules, he makes them up as he goes along.

Lads, the longer this whole sorry mess goes on the more accurate my signature becomes. Garry, Lyndon, Michael and colm have made their bed let them lie in it, alone.
I can believe Monty and Rob only because of their run-in's with Garry and his way of dealing with things.

I'm at a loss on Danny being banned though. If this keeps up, I'll find myself banned at some point.

Frankly it doesn't matter much. There's absolutely no one over there anymore at all. I think it's done and dusted.

Am not going to go on anymore lads, for obvious reasons. But if anyone finds out why I have been banned, let me know via PM :)

But as far as am concerned with everything else, as ya's have said, its all history now :)
Am not going to go on anymore lads, for obvious reasons. But if anyone finds out why I have been banned, let me know via PM :)

But as far as am concerned with everything else, as ya's have said, its all history now :)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: (y)
Lets raise a glass to the TW we all knew and loved, the one that was ran by Danny and the mods (dylan, me, mick) and the one where all of us met and made the greatest everton forum on the planet.


Now, here's to GOT the new best Everton Forum on the planet.

you were a mod, but I only ever remember you fecking up that thread moving it into a forum nobody could edit :p

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