Poor mans Martinez. And Martinez is useless.
It was 4 and since then he's been a disaster. I wouldn't have him anywhere near the clubBring in Moyes as caretaker
He's won the premier league about 2 years ago.
For what it’s worth, I don’t think it’s 100 percent his fault. The players have absolutely gone into hiding since Anfield. He just isn’t the man to rally the troops and weather the storm.
He's the worst manager we've had at this club since Mike Walker. An utterly clueless waste of space. A compete clown who isn't fit to manage a league two side. I'd sooner have BFS, Martinez, Koeman, Moyes, Walter Smith any of out former manager's over this simpleton. Hate him with a passion. Silva out!
This is a simple question and not meant to antagonize or anything.He's been here 6.
I don't like everything about what he's doing at the moment, like chopping and changing that back 4 all the time.
But everyone agrees we were in a mess. To suggest someone can come in and perform perfectly within 6 months is fantasy stuff
Can we sack him?? I doubt it, we still havnt paid Watford for him yet.
The derby was aggggggessss ago. The club is ran on the floor, no doubts about it you and I are last.theres bad and good times in every club and atm we are in the bad time after the derby our form dropped and that lose affected players. i defend the process not the performance rome wasnt built in a day