Player Valuation: £50m
Some good, informative posts that makes me feel even more negative about our short term prospects.
Silva's honeymoon period is over and now the pressure is on it will be interesting how he reacts. Is a one trick pony?
His/his teams reaction to the anfield late disappointment has been pathetic.
His discussions with Brands must surely include him saying
1) we need a `top 6' class keeper to put pressure/replace Pickford
2) We need a `top 6' class right back to replace Coleman if he doesn't rediscover his old form/speed.
3) We need 2 `top 6' class centre half with proper pace.
4) We need 1/2 `top 6 class' defensive centre mids and an attacking right midfielder.
5) We need 2 `top 6' class forwards.
Err that little lot you are looking at another 300 mill!
That is one way of looking at it. But I don't think we will spend anywhere near that in net terms + wages over the next couple of years. That would be Man City level of spending.
We don't have that type of money, we never had it, and there are other constraints.
There has been a big increase in spending but that has been off a very low base. Pity that almost all of it has been squandered but that's for another day.
We can afford to spend £30m -£40m on individual players but that's like buying someone 10 years ago for £15m. It doesn't buy top drawer and that's the conundrum we face.
The most we can hope for is that he gets 90% of the transfer decisions right, and players signed either become mainstays in the team over a decade or are sold for 2-3 times what we buy them for and the money is reinvested.
We can only approach strengthening the team and squad on a player by player and positional basis, one signing at a time. By definition that will take a few years at least, whilst hoping there is incremental progress in the interim.
The argument that's been had at the moment regarding Silva and his progress to date, feeds into that discussion but its too far too early to be definitive, and for the model Brands will follow, changing managers so soon will not form part of the brief.