A very well thought out response.
There is a key difference when it comes to Watford this season and that’s reaching 40 points and then switching off will not be accepted by Silva and the players are too good for that. If the Pozzos see Silva continually improving the team then I’m sure he will be offered a long term contract, just doubt he would sign it as he will feel he’s destined for bigger things
I have no inside info but, as much as I’m sure the role was tempting, I have not seen any sign that Silva really wanted the role or was trying to force it. Any other viewpoint is just subjecture
As for Everton, the fear is that you get sucked into a relegation fight which is a place that few of your players have ever been in. Your squad may be good but that’s a very different challenge to trying to retain 7th Place. You may also have all the money in the world but, as recently demonstrated, that doesn’t always mean it’s easy attracting the talent you need or that they will automatically fit in. With your aging defence, injury problems, key high profile players out of form and manager uncertainty I would say that this is one of those unjoyable seasons that you just need to get through before rearranging the troops over Summer
Still think we will finish higher than you this season though