Transfer Rumour Maxwell Cornet

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Nice mix of left foot and right footed goals. Nice pace. I imagine if we opted for a 352 he would add something different playing next to DCL. Then if we go 433 he can slot in as a LW.

Riyad Mahrez joined Leicester from the French league for 450k
Again this is massively missing the point. Mahrez came from a minnow french team and was very young and unproven at European level. Cornet came from an elite French team and was very well tested and well known on a world stage.

After playing 200+ games and being an established player, no top clubs felt he had the attributes or ability to improve them. Someone like Arsenal would have happily taken him for £15 million if he was good. The reason Burnley got him is because he is about their level. A player who will perform once every 3 games and perform the odd cameo where he looks good but then do nothing for a couple of games. This guy was even benched for some Burnley games at the end of last season. You really think if hes that good then that would happen?
We have a live one here,seems he thought he was only on loan at Burnley.?

"That relegation could mean for another move for Cornet, though. A report from The Athletic details a clause in his contract, which means he can now leave for £17.5million, due to the relegation.

That may be a relief for the winger, who reportedly thought his deal with Burnley was just a loan."


What's with all the ice cream jokes? There's a silent T on his name. Sorry for spoiling the fun but it's a peeve of mine lol
I agree.. some people need a ROCKET up their ass. They think they are FAB with their jokes. In all fairness though this cornet fella does have FUNNY FEET which may help PUSH us UP the league.

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