Not a scratch on Manny, all the coming forward, all the risks he took bringing the fight, not a scratch.
Yet he landed less over.
Not a scratch on Manny, all the coming forward, all the risks he took bringing the fight, not a scratch.
yup simple asYet he landed less over.
What's harder, coming forward or backing off?
I truly can not believe the bumming Mayweather gets for fighting his entire career on the back foot, waiting for his opponent to tire.
This fight was a farce regarding judges, the whole world knows manny got robbed.Yet he landed less over.
Think everyone knows that this bout came several years too late. Mayweather's team have played a blinder.
Tubey, with all due respect, why didn't it happen several years ago?It would have been exactly the same at their peaks. In fact, it would have been even more one sided.