Not sold on the lad, but not dead against either. If Big Ron and Walshy know how they want to use him then i'm not going to second guess that.
Mainly I want him to sign now because we have publicly stated our intent. It does the perception of the club more good to be seen acquiring their targets than getting brushed back.
I hated to see Keita saying no, but i understand and it sounds like he may be bound for a chamions league squad (spurs/juve). Niang though is not of the level to be telling us no.
Imagine if in the space of a week we could somehow announce: Pickford, Klaassen, Niang, Sandro and Keane.... That would be very, very encouraging. Get the basis in now....the role players and then after selling Rom or Ross (or gulp both) make that run at one or 2 standouts like a VVD or Batshuayi (whom i rate).