We're lucky in that we sold up in Liverpool and decided to rent down here. We don't have children so thought rather than tie up our money in assets, we would spend it on enjoying ourselves whilst we're both still young and healthy enough. Best laid plans and all that.
We did have a similar problem with Cal's mums house though. Getting probate was not a problem. What was a problem was selling her mums house when the time came. This property too was unregistered, but at least we had the deeds. we'd always assumed that the deeds were in joint names of Cal's mum and dad, not realising that they did things differently back in the 50s. They were just in her dad's name and he'd died 20 years earlier. So we had to get a retrospective probate so the title could pass to her mum before it could go to her and her brother.
I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for you Gwladys if you didn't even have the title deeds. Presumably you had to purchase some form of indemnity similar to what hey do with missing share certificates.