In our last house we couldn't decide what colour to paint the stairs -no carpets wall to wall here and no stair carpets at all- so I decided to paint them rainbow colours ,if you paint you will know you can't easily paint two different colours next to each other ,you have to wait until one is dry ,so I was on the last colour (that which cannot be named ) when our lovely cat Lucy decided to push past me and go upstairs I spun around to stop her and the red paint went all over the floor ,I shouted she pooed herself ran through the paint upstairs and onto the bed .We had red paw marks on every step and a litre of red on the floor in the hall.I was as we say not best pleased .
After I had cleaned everything up my DIL who is very artistic said I should have left the paw marks ,on reflection it might have been a talking point but the stairs themselves did that .

These are not ours I just wanted to show how they look they are however the same colours