Morning, peeing down with rain all morning here. All my spare time at the moment is being taken up with “ email wars” as I try to get a number of issues resolved, grrrr.
I have been fortunate in being in a position of helping my three kids get on the property ladder, better to help them when they‘re young and need it than leave money in my Will etc. Two down , and I’ve currently gifted money to my youngest for his house deposit. Simple you’d think . Except AntI Money Laundering laws now apply , and for the past two weeks I’ve been sending screenshots of savings accounts going back to 2019 trying to prove the money was mine and not ill gotten gains . Crazy stuff, and AML laws are something to watch out for if you’re ever in that position.
Meanwhile , I have been battling with KLM to get back legitimate expenses, hotels meals etc, incurred with cancellation of our flights in the recent Air Traffic thingy. Emails back and forth , them claiming they hadnt received them , resend, then they couldn’t view the receipts, 2 resends, then they could view them but send further receipts. Twice I’ve replied there are no further receipts , but still they continue with “ all is fine thank you, send more” . They are obviously taking the pee and deliberately blocking paying , despite it being a legal requirement and me providing receipts etc. So I’ve had to up the stakes this morning indicating I will be writing to four KLM directors, UK customer services, industry organisations that resolve disputes etc and a final threat ultimately of court action. This may seem like an excessive response but the whole trail of their emails over the past two weeks is quite shocking and looks like it’s designed to wear you down and hope you go away . It is wearying but I’m not giving up on this!