Messymascot's faith in humanity and ginger safe haven

Good morning all. First of all @peteblue I'm so glad you got to pick up your granddaughter. I hope you had a good chat on the way homešŸ™‚. You're so right @blue1948 When I took redundancy from my last job I had two years off. It soon became completely filled with voluntary work and a small part time job ( best job ever. 10 hours a week, term time, note taking at Durham uni for two disabled students) I used to think how on earth did I have time to go to work! I hope the decorators are out of your way @jazzy!
It is frosty here this morning. I could see my breath when I dropped Mr F off at work at 6.45. At 4.45am when the cat wanted to go out the skies were absolutely clear and there were so many stars. Absolutely gorgeous. I managed to spot Orion, Gemini and Cassiopeia and a planet that I think was Jupiter ( one of my aforementioned students did a Stars and Galaxies module in his physics degree! It was brilliant).
At the gym again tonight. I'm taking it very seriously from now on - well, until son's wedding next May. Also no overtime this weekend so completely free weekend.
Have a good day.
Has he told anybody else yet or are we still the only ones that know? lol

Definitely nippy this morning. Glad you had time with your granddaughter and grandson yesterday @peteblue.
I watched The Reckoning last night, Saville was brilliantly played by Steve Coogan and I never knew just how depraved the man was. It was a bit like watching the one about Jeffrey Dahmer - repulsive yet compelling. It must be frustrating for his victims that he was never brought to justice.
Going up to the gym this morning for my review - I hope theyā€™re not expecting much. Have a great day all šŸ’™
I watched about 10 mins of the first episode. Turned on half way through, the bit where he took the two girls back to his house with his son. Switched it off and won't be switching it back on again.

At least the makers had the sense to use actors who were clearly a lot older than the characters they were playing.
As I understand it they were not only consulted but collaborated in the making of the programme
Some of them Jazz. But there were that many they couldn't possibly have consulted all of them or even close to it. Plus there are probably thousands more, not Saville related, who would be affected by this. But I agree, it's a story that has to be told. People have the choice not to watch it or turn it off, as in my case.

Morning, a busy day for me, our wedding anniversary, sitting on a ā€œ Childrenā€™s Panelā€ this afternoon, ( itā€™s unique to Scotland, similar to Englandā€˜s Family Court) and just back from a run. I listened to the first 2 episodes of the BBC podcast ā€œ Nothing will be the sameā€ while out running , it was interesting , included Everton employees we donā€™t usually hear about , and painful events from last season. Iā€™ve got as far as last January , itā€™s depressing how little progress weā€™ve made.
Happy anniversary BL (belated)
Absolutely fuming. Bernie Ecclestone gets a suspended sentence for millions of pounds of tax fraud over 18 years. How can that be right when a benefit cheat will get jailed for significantly lower sums of money? Oh I know, one is a billionaire paid up member of the establishment and the other is probably poor and skint. I'm not condoning either but there's something wrong here.
We got close to a billion out of him Anj in back tax and fines. He's that old now he'd probably cost a fortune for the state to care for him anyway and likely wouldn't spend a day in prison if he were sentenced. Let him pay for his own medical costs.

It's Tamara I feel sorry for. Missing out on her inheritance on the back of having all that jewelry stolen. lol
We got close to a billion out of him Anj in back tax and fines. He's that old now he'd probably cost a fortune for the state to care for him anyway and likely wouldn't spend a day in prison if he were sentenced. Let him pay for his own medical costs.

It's Tamara I feel sorry for. Missing out on her inheritance on the back of having all that jewelry stolen. lol
Just think what all that money could have done for the economy. Ā£1 billion. How many hospitals, schools, local authorities could have benefitted. Its like outer space, I can't imagine the magnitude of a sum like that. I read that it would take you something like 32 years to count to 1 billion.
I genuinely can't abide his ilk. It's not as if they are being asked to pay more tax - just the right amount of tax.
Morning all, this is your early morning wake up callā€¦news from Finland will be in as soon as Blue has had his breakfastā€¦ā€¦
Morning salutations Pete et all.

Everyday is yours to win.

Itā€™s persisting down here so back under the duvet for me

He'll be shaking in his shoes šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

Good morning all on this fine day here in Finland ,I just can't get motivated of late .I hope all had a good night and have a better day .
As I said I am struggling to motivate myself to working on the car ,on finding the whole thing dead as a dodo it means I have to check what I was last on and if not all the fuses ,I have made this rig for checking them quicker than a meter but the weather has been against me and it won't get much better at this time of year .Somehow I have gotten lazy and cannot be harassed going out in the cold to fiddle with fuses ,saying that I cannot leave it to beat me ! Then there is the latest project ,for all my life I have wanted to paint ( not kitchens etc -I have done those ) and I watched a thing on UK tv it seemes so easy to do in that style ,@fandjango is safe for now ,so with coins in hand I raided the 30%off in Lidl and I am now armed with a painting array that would boggle Mr Turner and his Haycart .COYB

Morning all, apparently the rain is going to clear up later in the NWest so šŸ¤ž. Started watching The Long Shadow last night - the series about the Yorkshire ripper. On reflection it was probably not the best series to start after The Reckoning as itā€™s also dark and disturbing. So on a lighter note tonight Iā€™m going to try and watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 on the dodgy box. Itā€™ll probably be crap but after a couple of gins Iā€™ll probably be a. Asleep or b. Not bothered.
Iā€˜ve also found the BBC podcast series about Everton that you mentioned @blueloon so Iā€™ll give that a go also. Enjoy your art @blue1948 I imagine it will be very calming and take your mind of the Jag. Mines flashing up for a service and that sounds expensive - and my husband says it needs a new Cam belt?šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø.
Have a good Friday everyone šŸ’™
Do any of you people actually sleep?

Still really mild down here. Went into town yesterday for a haircut and took a light hoodie as there was mizzle about. Had to take it off after 10 minutes as I was roasting.
Our mornings have been about 5 degrees rising to about 15 around 2pm. Tomorrow doesnā€™t rise above 10 which suits well with the fire lit for the rugby.
Just think what all that money could have done for the economy. Ā£1 billion. How many hospitals, schools, local authorities could have benefitted. Its like outer space, I can't imagine the magnitude of a sum like that. I read that it would take you something like 32 years to count to 1 billion.
I genuinely can't abide his ilk. It's not as if they are being asked to pay more tax - just the right amount of tax.
It's totally wrong I agree Anj. Chances are that, in Ecclestone's particular case, they would never get to close to the full picture as so much offshore stuff would escape the net. But with my work I've had quite a few clients who have tried to avoid paying income tax and come unstuck. In practically all cases the fines have exceeded the unpaid tax due (inclusive of interest). I suspect a lot of these fines were paid to "avoid" going to prison. Morally this is wrong, but pragmatically it makes sense. It brings extra income into the coffers that can be used for good causes, and we avoid the excessive cost of sending somebody to prison not to mention the logistics of an already over burdened prison system.
Our mornings have been about 5 degrees rising to about 15 around 2pm. Tomorrow doesnā€™t rise above 10 which suits well with the fire lit for the rugby.
Don't think it's gotten below 13 C here overnight. Still wearing shorts and T shirt around the house and have windows open during the day. Just looked at the forecast and overnight dropping to 10C Saturday and Sunday then back up to low teens later in the week. Daytime temps dropping to 13 then back up to 17/18. With a bit of luck it'll be November before I need to start putting heating on again.
After reading the Israel thread I donā€™t think Iā€™ll sleep well for a while!

Not dragging it in here, just wish certain folk could be more objective and see the plight of civilians.
I wouldn't go in there mate. In fact i don't venture into the CA forum at all these days. What's happening in Israel and Palestine is so upsetting and I won't even watch the news at the moment. I think the FA have called it spot on for tonight's match though.


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