Yes I've listened to the wise counsel of
@Val P and
@anjelikaferrett and decided to give it another day before I go back to gardening.
An hour's yoga to strengthen my back instead and then watch ( if I can ) the India v England game.
Re FFP / P&S case against Everton I have mixed thoughts. The wreckless spending under Moshiri undoubtedly contravenes the rules regarding losses exceeding £103 million in any 3 year cycle despite what may or may not be "clever" accountancy regarding COVID losses. However I'm far from sure that that is the reason for the current charge as we were actively working with the PL to reduce losses. In fact the curious thing is that no one actually knows what the specific thing is that Everton have done wrong. I strongly suspect that it is something that we tried to cover up in the accounts post COVID.
I agre with Val that it is hard to see us escaping relegation if we are indeed deducted 12 points but again it's difficult to know what the appropriate punishment should be without knowing the offence. Perhaps the PL being seen to push for a harsh punishment is window dressing ahead of the Government calling for an independent regulator.
Why Everton first and not City? Well thats easy. Authorities always go for the easy win , the low hanging fruit. When do you ever see the police stop a gang of lads with a so called dangerous dog , yet they go mob handed to some old lady whose dog barked at a stranger in the park. It's life , it's wrong but s**t happens.