Messymascot's faith in humanity and ginger safe haven

Morning all on this rainy day here in Finland .I hope all has good a night as possible and that the sun does indeed come out for all . We have lost three friends in the last couple of months and two have had serious medical setbacks .I does seem another annus horribilis .
I have been having good conversations with my son who has started to open up on his problems ,sadly I said a word or two out of place and he has asked me not to contact "for a while " I did not heed that advice but explained that I am on his side and he at least read my post .So that is my sunshine for today .
His situation both domestically and mentally is dire and worrisome not that he might do something drastic but the hopelessness that appears to be the future for him .
Have a great day all COYB.
It would be nice to know how @Terrarian is and our friend @Vegas Toffee Girl is managing her newish job or is she still working there .
Morning all on this rainy day here in Finland .I hope all has good a night as possible and that the sun does indeed come out for all . We have lost three friends in the last couple of months and two have had serious medical setbacks .I does seem another annus horribilis .
I have been having good conversations with my son who has started to open up on his problems ,sadly I said a word or two out of place and he has asked me not to contact "for a while " I did not heed that advice but explained that I am on his side and he at least read my post .So that is my sunshine for today .
His situation both domestically and mentally is dire and worrisome not that he might do something drastic but the hopelessness that appears to be the future for him .
Have a great day all COYB.
It would be nice to know how @Terrarian is and our friend @Vegas Toffee Girl is managing her newish job or is she still working there .
So sorry that things are difficult between you and your son. Sometimes words spoken with the best intentions can be taken the “wrong” way. Your son has read your message so he knows that you are there for him. I hope he contacts you soon after he has had a little breathing space.💙 Like you, @Terrarian and @Vegas Toffee Girl have been in my thoughts lately, hoping all is well for them.

Morning all on this rainy day here in Finland .I hope all has good a night as possible and that the sun does indeed come out for all . We have lost three friends in the last couple of months and two have had serious medical setbacks .I does seem another annus horribilis .
I have been having good conversations with my son who has started to open up on his problems ,sadly I said a word or two out of place and he has asked me not to contact "for a while " I did not heed that advice but explained that I am on his side and he at least read my post .So that is my sunshine for today .
His situation both domestically and mentally is dire and worrisome not that he might do something drastic but the hopelessness that appears to be the future for him .
Have a great day all COYB.
It would be nice to know how @Terrarian is and our friend @Vegas Toffee Girl is managing her newish job or is she still working there .
So sorry that things are difficult between you and your son. Sometimes words spoken with the best intentions can be taken the “wrong” way. Your son has read your message so he knows that you are there for him. I hope he contacts you soon after he has had a little breathing space.💙 Like you, @Terrarian and @Vegas Toffee Girl have been in my thoughts lately, hoping all is well for them.
Hey guys, I'm around a bit I feel I'm starting to turn a corner with my mood, I've been a bit more relaxed these last few days and I've been trying to post a bit more.

Just do what you are doing blue, as long as your son knows you're there and you care will still mean something to him but bad mental health tends to push people away, it's hard to know what to do to help, so I just say be there if they need you. It's not nice for anyone when someone close has bad mental health.

Take care everyone have a good day, I will try get more involved.
Morning all, dull and windy here but at least the rain has finally stopped.Yesterday afternoon I left my brother’s (it’s about a ten minutes walk) hoping to outrun the approaching storm. Of course I couldn’t - it threw it down before I’d gone a few yards and I got absolutely drenched. I had an umbrella but was it a good idea to have an umbrella up in a storm? Something that would have filled my Mum with horror, but being terrified of storms she wouldn’t have let me leave the house in the first place. Decided to risk it so at least my head was dry but arrived home shoes and jeans saturated. The poor schoolkids walking home were soaked to the skin. Today I will mostly be trying to dry out my shoes which incidentally despite the label are definitely not waterproof :( .
Have a good day, all.💙
Hey guys, I'm around a bit I feel I'm starting to turn a corner with my mood, I've been a bit more relaxed these last few days and I've been trying to post a bit more.

Just do what you are doing blue, as long as your son knows you're there and you care will still mean something to him but bad mental health tends to push people away, it's hard to know what to do to help, so I just say be there if they need you. It's not nice for anyone when someone close has bad mental health.

Take care everyone have a good day, I will try get more involved.
Good to hear from you, T. Take it easy and love to Daisy Beagle.🐶
You'll wish I stayed away after this :lol:

I love watching this guys channel, he travels the world trying different foods, the type that can be illegal in some countries, black market stuff as well as traditional foods and he doesn't shy away from trying absolutely everything, which is unreal given some of the dishes but I would draw the line at cow poop stew. Not for vegetarians like.

I will say that in a lot of these places, they eat what they catch and waste nothing, everything is used for something, I feel we have lost that connection in the west.

Morning all on this rainy day here in Finland .I hope all has good a night as possible and that the sun does indeed come out for all . We have lost three friends in the last couple of months and two have had serious medical setbacks .I does seem another annus horribilis .
I have been having good conversations with my son who has started to open up on his problems ,sadly I said a word or two out of place and he has asked me not to contact "for a while " I did not heed that advice but explained that I am on his side and he at least read my post .So that is my sunshine for today .
His situation both domestically and mentally is dire and worrisome not that he might do something drastic but the hopelessness that appears to be the future for him .
Have a great day all COYB.
It would be nice to know how @Terrarian is and our friend @Vegas Toffee Girl is managing her newish job or is she still working there .
Your son is fragile now blue but he knows you are only trying your best for him. The unconditional love you are offering him will be a constant comfort even if he does need a little time on his own to process his thoughts. Be patient with him as he needs you.

Are there any significant dates coming up that would be an opportunity for you to reach out again, even just to say you are thinking of him?
Good morning all. It has finally stopped raining after about 36 hours of a range from a bit drizzly to monsoon. I can see some blue sky poking through.
Sorry for your loss @peteblue . As others have said, he is at peace now and pain free.
Nice to hear from you @Terrarian. I'm glad you are feeling better.
Hopefully Everton can get a win tomorrow. There must be a huge sense of relief around the place.
Have a lovely day all x
Your son is fragile now blue but he knows you are only trying your best for him. The unconditional love you are offering him will be a constant comfort even if he does need a little time on his own to process his thoughts. Be patient with him as he needs you.

Are there any significant dates coming up that would be an opportunity for you to reach out again, even just to say you are thinking of him?
I don't think so but I spoke to a counsellor he is seeing and the reply she sent I have forwarded to him in the hope of a reaction/comment .He is being assessed for autism but I am sure it is just a box ticking exercise as although he was difficult for my ex at the time when told by me I wouldn't stand for it ,he never was .which I put down to his mother "training "him that if he carried on he would get his way .I told him if I said no then I would die first ,of course first time I said yes to prove flexibility but then no was enough to keep him from misbehaving .I was even told by one person that my boys were the best behaved she ever seen after they stood for more than an hour whilst I discussed work with my boss ,despite telling them I would just be a couple of minutes !
You'll wish I stayed away after this :lol:

I love watching this guys channel, he travels the world trying different foods, the type that can be illegal in some countries, black market stuff as well as traditional foods and he doesn't shy away from trying absolutely everything, which is unreal given some of the dishes but I would draw the line at cow poop stew. Not for vegetarians like.

I will say that in a lot of these places, they eat what they catch and waste nothing, everything is used for something, I feel we have lost that connection in the west.

May I refer you to the Covid thread buddy…?
I don't think so but I spoke to a counsellor he is seeing and the reply she sent I have forwarded to him in the hope of a reaction/comment .He is being assessed for autism but I am sure it is just a box ticking exercise as although he was difficult for my ex at the time when told by me I wouldn't stand for it ,he never was .which I put down to his mother "training "him that if he carried on he would get his way .I told him if I said no then I would die first ,of course first time I said yes to prove flexibility but then no was enough to keep him from misbehaving .I was even told by one person that my boys were the best behaved she ever seen after they stood for more than an hour whilst I discussed work with my boss ,despite telling them I would just be a couple of minutes !
Not doubting you at all blue but a colleague of mine has just received an autism diagnosis and they themselves are stunned by it. I didn’t see any telltale signs myself and what I thought were character quirks are apparently manifestations of autism. To be honest, I thought they were just used to getting their own way unchallenged, right from childhood, but no they are autistic according to the experts.

They are now in a period of reflection to find out who they really are (their words). I don’t really understand that bit myself as they have navigated life for over 40 years already. Not meaning to make light of it either lest it come across as such.

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