It is one portion of spaghetti if you use it as a measure .If it didn’t have the hole I would have guessed it is a spanking tool, but I’m now at a loss. Please enlighten us!
Go with the flow Fred but learn to drive in case you stay , a goal to aim for in the New Year. Stay strong .Yeah they have been great. They absolutely loved Cal though and I'm a sort of beneficiary of that.
I've made a decision to stay where I am for at least the next 12 months. 3 months ago when Cal sadly passed away I didn't expect to be able to be so certain about something, but my relationship with them has been a big part of that decision.
@Blues Harp . So you know we are here for you if you need it too,good luck and stay strong ,lovely post by the way.Hello folks...alll I can say is "What a Thread" Not posted before, but have followed it since Karl's first post in Sept. At the start of the year I was trying to cope with my younger brothers illness (oseophagal cancer) from which he died in early April. There was only 15 months between us in age. I was the eldest of 4 children and I could not quite get my head around being the only one left. Coupled with my own deteriorating health problems (lung fibrosis), I was not in the best of places. BUT...with the help of my other half Jeanie and my sons I slowly started to recover. And then I saw Karl's first post. Oh My! The responses to him from eveyone was inspiring and helped me realise that there is more love than hate in our world. Especially support for @roydo and @Banfred55 after their sad losses. As Leonard Cohen said........."There is a crack in everything where the light gets in" That light is Karl/Messy reminding all of us that there is no end to a life.....His spirit wiil live on in here............?
That post aged well AnjI cant help it. I live in hope, much like I do with Everton, that suddenly they will be amazing and watching them will be a rewarding fulfilling experience.
I just realized Everton is not playing because of a Covid outbreak, so no football for us on Boxing Day
Yes I've just started a clean / tidy up too Gwladys.Raining here in the Boro, really miserable day.The house looks like a tip, after daughter, son-in-law, 2 grandkids and my two brothers came round yesterday. Such a contrast to last year when we were in tier 4. Hope everyone has a good day today. No Everton to spoil the fun so that’s a startlol
Hi, I stayed offline yesterday, played on the computer to take my mind off things, thanks though.Good morning everyone,
Guess there might be some sore heads out there.
@Barnfred 55 who did you move onto after Genesis and Numan ? Depeche Mode , OMD or Yazoo?
You didn't tell us where your musical journey started last night so I'll guess at Rick Wakeman and Yes.
@fandjango , you looked to be having a great time there mate - hope the posh pigs in blankets worked out.
@anjelikaferrett , sorry hon but will you never learn? England at cricket are even more of a dissappointment than Everton,
@Blues Harp , your post was really moving mate , please keep posting on here.
@Terrarian , didn't hear much from you yesterday mate - hope you are ok.
@Twinkletoes123 , in common with a lot of other posters I was worried about you and your daughter yesterday. I'm sure that you would find posting on this thread a supportive experience.
So Boxing Day , no Everton defeat to mess up the day - although in truth the days of my weekend being ruined by an Everton defeat are way behind me - so me and Mrs J will go for a nice long walk with one of the dogs whilst my mum looks after the little fella with the bad leg.
Then I will watch some football on telly before Mrs J cooks us a chinese curry. I never like wine with curry - Indian or Chinese - so a couple of Peroni's should do the trick. Then off the juice until New Years Eve.
Have a good day guys and take care.
Quiet and boring as usual, like living in an alternate reality on my todd lol@Terrarian how was your day mate?
I feel ignorant now not answering lol, didn't think anyone would be on.@Terrarian , please give that gorgeous beagle an extra long walk if you are up to it today mate and give her a kiss from me.
Hope you can enjoy the day today .
What's on the playlist ...Slipknot, Paramore or Green Day perhaps ( all my nephews favourite bands from a few years ago).
I am not usually into metal but Corey Taylor is a great vocalist and switches between voices really well, I think.I feel ignorant now not answering lol, didn't think anyone would be on.
We chilled out yesterday, it was wet and cold but we've just been around the park, still freezing though.
I am slipknotting at the minute, not listened to them for a while so it's good catching up, very talented group who will bypass a lot of people because of the screamo element of Corey's singing but I he's got such a good voice, I enjoy it. Love some Greenday as well, another I don't listen too enough.