Well I rise on this beautiful New Year and thank you all for the pleasure you on this thread have brought each other ,I raised a glass to Karl last night and will thank him many times over the coming year for this thread .
I hope all on here get a year they deserve filled with hope and good health ,sadly I know that won't happen so for those who need it we are all here to help .
A special mention to
@Barnfred 55 for the fortitude he has shown through the most terrible of times and long may it continue -You inspire me to be a better person .
A heartfelt mention to
@Sassy Colombian for being there for any and everyone and giving so much to this thread after the loss of Karl ,may you live a long and bountiful life and a word for all others that contribute each in their own way .
Let us all try our best in the New Year and stay safe .
Oh and a mention for the team on the pitch as well .