Just wanted to say thanks a lot for all the kind messages last night. It was a late one for me, didn't get to bed until after 3am. I opened a bottle of bubbly at midnight and obviously couldn't waste any
. Feel surprisingly OK this morning considering how much I drank throughout the night (started on the rum and gingers about 4pm). Didn't even feel that drunk by the time I went to bed although I did crash the moment my head hit the pillow.
Last night was one of reflection for me. It was the first time in my 60 years that I have spent New Years Eve on my own. But when I thought about it I quickly realised that it was
MY choice. I could have gone to the local pub or asked the neighbours around for a drink if I'd wanted company. The fact is, I
chose to spend it on my own, there are probably many millions of people around today that spent New Year on their own and didn't have that choice. Yes I miss Cal. God how I miss her. But I was able to enjoy good food and even better wine last night, I live in a beautiful house in the best place in the world, and I have lots of family and friends who I know care about me. There are many many people who's situation in life is far worse than mine.
That is something that our good friend Karl showed me. When Cal passed away, it was the early hours of the morning and I was away at sea with no means of contacting friends and family. It was to the mental health thread on here that I turned and Karl was one of the many of you who reached out to me and offered support. He continued to be there for me, as did many of you, but it was only when I happened across this thread that I realised what he was going through himself, and what a truly selfless and generous person he was At the time I was probably slipping into depression and it really did give me the kick I needed to sort myself out.
I'm not one for making new year resolutions, but this year I'll kind of make an exception. My life going forward is in my own hands and I am very fortunate in that regard. My future will be determined by the decisions I make, and my resolution is to try and always make the right decisions, and to always try and remain positive.
For now can I just say a very big thank you to you guys and especially to Messy. Because most of my friends and family are back in Liverpool, this thread is where I turn for just general camaraderie and chit chat. and I don't think you'll ever understand just how important you all are to me at the moment. I guess this thread goes a long way to filling the void in my life left by Cal's passing.
Love and best wishes for a prosperous and happy 2022 to all of you.