Hello friends.
Another weekend has arrived and I'm always grateful for it. Although the weather is nothing to be excited about, it has been wet the past few days and while the temperatures have been mild, it is supposed to snow tomorrow and get to -10 so I'm going have to cover my lily's that have started to peek. I hope this cold spell doesn't ruin our spring flowering season as many trees are flowering and just like
@Barnfred 55 spring feels it is getting near and I can't wait.
I read everyone's post yesterday and while I didn't post, I wanted to tell
@jazzy that I'm so sorry about the bad luck you table tennis club encountered a few days ago. Maybe it will be next year when it is meant to be.
@blue1948 The mushroom soup look so delicious, have you posted the recipe? I am very much a soup fan, I prepare at least one soup per week for the family.
@Gwladysover I hope your sweet Jessica begins feeling better soon. Enjoy your fish and chips too!
@Armaghtoffee I hope the boys are listening about them showing some proper committed performance the next few matches, we need that from them so we can get in a better position on the table
@anjelikaferrett sounds like you are still having a lovely time, I look forward to you posting some pics when you get back home.
@fandjango I thought you were retired, how come you have decided to get back to the labor force? BTW, your painting was absolutely stunning and so colorful, I loved it!
@Spadge Vernacular I didn't realize your house was that old, are you sure you have no ghost?
@Barnfred 55 I'm glad you are going to get a refund on the cruise, but too bad I wasn't invited to go before you canceled it lol
@Terrarian I hope you are okay, we are thinking about you.
On this Friday I'm also thinking of
@larbert toffee @Ducans elbow @Bluetintedspecs @roydo and would like to wish you all a good weekend.