Messymascot's faith in humanity and ginger safe haven

Hello everybody. It was -7 here yesterday morning. My car refused to start. Eventually got it going when the temperature went up and took it to the garage. Apparently my glow plugs were not glowing and needed replacing. All sorted now. I am £120 poorer. The mechanic was less than impressed when I referred to them as glow sticks. Today we have had snow pretty much all day. it isn't lying though so that's a bonus.

@Billy Dean get an air fryer, I've had one for about 6 months and I absolutely love it. Way quicker than the oven. Happy belated birthday to your daughter @Ducans elbow . I'd love to be 24 again!

@Barnfred 55 and @Armaghtoffee how I agree about St Paddy;s night in Liverpool. Had some amazing nights out - usually starting in the Irish Centre. The night of the Grand National was always another good night to make new Irish friends. I was very impressed with your gallantry towards the old lady Fred even if she was a red..

Hasn't been a great day today. Mr F came home and told me he's being laid off from Monday. He's been working for the council for about two and a half years but always on a temporary contract. They are not renewing any of the temps contracts. So not good. I'm hoping it might be because it is the end of the financial year and once the new one starts they will re-employ him. He said his boss was furious because he is losing 4 people. Anyway we've had a bit of a discussion and one of the options is, if he can't get another job, that he retires. He's got a decent pension from a previous employer that he was due when he is 65 so taking it a couple of years early should not reduce it by too much. There is of course a caveat. If he retires and I continue to work, then he has to do the washing and the cleaning' learn to cook and not lie on the couch watching re-runs of Dad's Army all day! I reckon he'll have a job next week with those conditions attached!

We haven't heard from @fandjango for a while - hope you're OK. Hope you are still feeling good @Terrarian.
That's really bad for Mr F.
I entirely endorse @Barnfred 55 advice re retirement. In actual fact I took the deal you are offering cleaning , cooking etc and felt it was more than a fair trade and enabled me and Mrs J to enjoy real quality time together.

-15° at seven this morning and now -1° they say it will be above freezing later .Crazy the weather nowadays .On the last episode of "love / hate" and I have sort of hated it all the way through but just had to see it through ,I suppose that is the sign of a great series.
Itching to get over to the UK now just a little afraid that @Barnfred 55 is going to feed me up for Christmas .
Stay safe all.
Morning all, after snow all day and heavy rain last evening woke up to more snow this morning. Sorry to hear Mr G’s bad news @anjelikaferrett, good advice from everyone regarding retirement though. Mr G. had to wait until 65 to retire but has never looked back. I was already a lady of leisure having given up work ( you may recall I posted my story in the depression thread, Anj) and was daycare for the grandchildren. The extra time we’ve spent together and with the grandchildren is priceless. He also took it upon himself to do the hoovering, cleaning the bathroom etc. and he does a better job! Have a good day, all💙
-15° at seven this morning and now -1° they say it will be above freezing later .Crazy the weather nowadays .On the last episode of "love / hate" and I have sort of hated it all the way through but just had to see it through ,I suppose that is the sign of a great series.
Itching to get over to the UK now just a little afraid that @Barnfred 55 is going to feed me up for Christmas .
Stay safe all.
Don't be fretting Blue. You're talking about the guy who has lost three and a half stone in 18 months. You'll be returning to Finland with the body of an Olympian lol
-15° at seven this morning and now -1° they say it will be above freezing later .Crazy the weather nowadays .On the last episode of "love / hate" and I have sort of hated it all the way through but just had to see it through ,I suppose that is the sign of a great series.
Itching to get over to the UK now just a little afraid that @Barnfred 55 is going to feed me up for Christmas .
Stay safe all.
When does the bromance officially begin? lol

If you can afford to do it Anj (which i'm sure you can with all your overtime lol) I can highly recommend retirement to Mr F. I'm 10 years retired this September and I think I may be a few months younger than your hubby.;)
So just a update on my UK pension, I was able to top up my UK pension
I was entitled to buy back class 2 as I no longer live in the UK, it worked out at around £164 each year you buy back, which makes a difference of around £5 a week for every year you buy back,
if I was living back home it would of been £835 a week to buy back, so I'm in the process of buying it back, as I'm entitled to claim it when I reach 66 (if Mrs D doesn't kill me first)

I know there is a few other folk no longer living back home, so just a heads up
Hi everyone. Hope you're all keeping warm in the snow if it's dropped where you are. Today I've been pinned down and snogged by the dog (tongues and all), blasted in the face by icy hail, soaked in the rain and covered in mud by mine and other people's dogs. Other than that, just a quiet day. About to cook a Friday evening chilli if I can be asked.

Have a good weekend everyone. UTFT 💙

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