In 1997 the UK population was 56 million.
It's now 66 million.
German politician lectures on this are going to fall on deaf ears as Germany hasn't seen anywhere close to the net population increase the UK has which is almost entirely immigration related. This is a fact. Birth rates in the UK have only increased in the past 15 years due to immigration!
This is causing what I would term immigration fatigue in the UK.
This means the natural inclination of people in the UK is to view a humanitarian refugee crisis (Syria)
Confused with economic migrants abusing the asylum system
Germany has not seen the same levels of net migration the UK has nor the complete change of some parts of the UK or the social integration issues this has generated.
It's easy for German political to blame the UK.
They are looking after German interests not British. Plus won't acknowledge the extra 10 million people now in the UK in 15 years.
It's easy to lecture when they're not I'm the same position we are.
Refugees and Economic migrants
Are not the same.
Some of the latter claim to be the former.
Which is an abuse of the system