Smacks of desperation? Why? Because I do care about real people in a real way and not in a general "someone should do something about this" way like you seem to be doing?Dear oh dear you really don't read post's through before jumping in with your size 12's, yes you are missing something, I am from the Wirral which is very different from living in the Wirral, agreed?
That last post is really embarrassing and really smacks of desperation.
As regards my quote 'ignorant opinion' why don't you follow your own recently dished out advice
You haven't answered my question about why, if this is such a problem, you and your like minded friends don't set up your own bank to sort it out. Because it isn't your job? Somebody else needs to hold your hand? No, because it's easier to come on a forum and complain rather than do something concrete, and at the same time name call anybody who doesn't agree with you.
And you are ignorant of my circumstances so I make no apology for saying so.
I would like to say its been a pleasure talking to you, but that would be so wrong.