I'm not expecting sympathy on this one, but my in-laws are getting on my nerves...
Mrs. tree is very big on always getting on with everyone, even if it means grinning and pretending to have fun for the sake of doing things that her family want to do even when it's not of interest to us. We've had several minor instances of this over the last couple years and I am very much of the view that if someone's being a prick it's important to tell them, and if you are invited along to something that is of no interest to you then its perfectly ok to decline. In her family, these are both cardinal sins.
For the second time this year we are going on a hot beach resort-style holiday (neither of us like these, we are both ski fanatics) with her family, because all her siblings crave hot weather and apparently 33 degrees for two entire months in England doesn't count. After finally getting to grips with this I thought I could tough it out, but I've just discovered that the dates we are away for this mean that she and I will be unable to attend either of John Williams' live performances this year. The man is well into his eighties and has announced that he will retire after the next Star Wars movie, so I'm now worried that we might not ever get to see him in the flesh. She won't budge, so instead of enjoying an evening listening to one of the world's greatest ever composer/conductors, I have to slap on a ton of factor fifty and try not to murder a bunch of spoilt tits who mock me for liking classical music in the first place.
I don't even feel better for ranting about it on here ffs.