mate, what is it about this woman/people that means you can't just say no? I mean, not going to the concerts is something you will regret for the rest of your life, something you will resent your in-laws for forever, and potentially even your wife. Neither of you want to go on holiday anyway - why can't you just say no? UNless you've already spent the money, in which case I see the problem, but the root cause is not saying no in the first place.
You have my sympathy's anyway. I can't stand my in-laws either, which is why I learned to say no
If only it were that easy.
If my missus said " No " to hers, her mum would take to her bed, pretend to be ill and her dad would be on the phone, telling her all about how she`s made her mum ill and that they won`t be around much longer.
As much as I hate to say it, sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.
I`ve got my own little ways at winding mine up.
Such as, every thing they do involves getting pissed, no matter what time of day. I don`t touch a single drop, as I know how much it winds them up