Player Valuation: £50m
Will Private Eye pick up the baton, or will it be beneath them.I`m hoping the likes of Frankie Boyle, make it their mission in life to destroy him now.
Will Private Eye pick up the baton, or will it be beneath them.I`m hoping the likes of Frankie Boyle, make it their mission in life to destroy him now.
Will Private Eye pick up the baton, or will it be beneath them.
I would never dare to speak to my mum like that, and she was only 4 foot 9 inchesSaw an elderly lady with a younger woman in our local supermarket. The old lady picked up a packet of biscuits only to be told " I said no food shopping today or we go straight home! " "I think your Dad might like some biscuits" "Pick them up and we're straight home, no going shopping" Old lady takes biscuits to the till " Right, that's it! Straight in the car, if you can't do as you're told! "
She's your mother for crying out loud, she's not a toddler, show a bit of respect!
Rant over.
Hearing and feeling a “snap” in my calf tonight playing football. Will be out of action for a while now. So gutting
Thanks, just got it elevated, it bloody killsGet a hot water bottle on it when you can and a compression bandage.
It’ll help speed up recovery.
Also if you can put your calf on cushion when you sleep, so it’s slightly elevated - more blood flow to the injured area.
Thanks, just got it elevated, it bloody kills
Get a hot water bottle on it too and take Ibruprofen for the first few days as well
I get all kinds of sprains etc from running, so I’ve become quite good at treating myself !!!
Will do
Any idea on recovery time?
I’ve just been getting my times up for running and am pi55ed off that I’ll lose some of it now.
He makes my teeth itch, unfunny WOOL.
Saw an elderly lady with a younger woman in our local supermarket. The old lady picked up a packet of biscuits only to be told " I said no food shopping today or we go straight home! " "I think your Dad might like some biscuits" "Pick them up and we're straight home, no going shopping" Old lady takes biscuits to the till " Right, that's it! Straight in the car, if you can't do as you're told! "
She's your mother for crying out loud, she's not a toddler, show a bit of respect!
Rant over.
It's a Damn shame it didn't kill him outright.It's a shame the ball in the face never put him in a coma.
Fairly sure it’s a tearMin 10 days if it’s just a sprain.
They heal pretty quickly if you don’t do any heavy stuff on it.
Fairly sure it’s a tear
Defo can’t walk on itThere’s different grades of tear.
If you can walk on it, go up and down stairs etc, it’s minor and it’s won’t take too long to heal.
If you can’t put weight on if at the mo, you’re looking at 3 - 4 wks.