minor things that make you fume

What gets me is when people press the button and just cross anyway without even waiting, proper infuriating
When I'm king it will be a criminal offense to press that button if you are over 12 and under 70. I always manage to cross before the lights change, why stop all the traffic?

And I would nuter those little scrotes who just press it, as they pass, with no intention of crossing.

Just had to go into a swanky Cheltenham bar because of a family birthday. It was the choice of a 30 year old who is impressed by gimmicks. They do all kinds of fancy smoking cocktails to attract the juveniles who don't yet know that you have to work hard to be able to afford stuff.

So the conversation between me (a real ale drinker who searched the menu hard for sonething I'd be happy to try) and the barman went along these lines ....

"An IPA for me, a (can't remember the name of the fancy brand) lager forcthe lad, a prosecco for birthday girl and an (can't remember the name) mocktail for the missus ta."

"Coming right up"

5 minutes later ... I look suspiciously at a tiny can of ipa as I'm being asked if I want a glass with that.

"Yes, of COURSE I want a glass. And no mate, Is that can what you're charging £6.50 for?"


"A can? Less than half a pint? I'm not having that. I'll have a glass of rioja"

"We do a pint on draft for the same price"

"Well why wouldn't you offer me that first? Why would I want to come out and drink from a can i could probably get the same for 50p in a supermarket?

A pint of trendy IPA is poured. IPA??? Fosters has more flavour. There is a brief flash of a hop and zero after taste. It was slightly bitter fizzy water, served too cold.

I go to pay the £32 for my pint, a half of lager, a tiny glass of prosecco and, let's face it, a cordial.

"Just press the button for the tip you want to leave"

Tip? WTF? The choice is 5, 10, 15, 20 quid! For slow service at an overpriced and empty bar. A bar ffs! We are not the USA. GTF! Why does ANYBODY choose to set foot in these places? They may as well gave MUG tattooed across their foreheads.

I think for next year's family birthday I will have books to takeback to a library that day.
A very good family friend has recently fallen on difficult times, she’s a 30 year old mum of 3 who has all of her friends and family living in the same town. Unfortunately yesterday she hit a real bad low and tried to take her own life, luckily her partner found her in time and rushed her to hospital, the care she’s had has been fantastic on a medical ward overnight, today she was moved to the mental health unit for assessment and they have kept her in as a voluntary patient as they don’t feel she’s safe to go home yet… anyhow … my fume… the closest mental health bed available for her is in Hexham near Newcastle…. About 4 or 5 hours drive away from here. Poor woman is now there on her own and probably petrified… koff tories and your cuts in spending

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