I live a couple of blocks from the local public library, and tomorrow they're holding one of their occasional book sales. You fill a big shopping bag with books and they charge you five dollars. Say, I have five dollars. I'm so stoked.
Incidentally, this was America's first public library. In 1778, upon the town's incorporation, eminent locals contacted celebrity scientist/statesman/proto self-help guru Benjamin Franklin to tell him that rather than calling the town Exeter, per the original plan, they'd voted to name it after him, thus making it the first American locality named in his honor. (Now there are 31 different burgs called Franklin in the USA. He was a popular guy.) Then, typical Yankee sharpers that they were, they hit him up for money to buy a church bell. Mr Franklin gave 'em 116 books from his personal library instead, suggesting they open a community lending library of their own. So they did, and the town's seemed pretty smug about it ever since.