Most off your tits you've ever been

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Great thread, makes a change for @chicoazul like, great to look back on crazy nights, and being 'off your tits' comes through varying methods, here goes mine.

Alcohol. Had just turned 18 and was on one of my first sessions in a pub in my hometown, could never get served before 18 as with us also owning a pub everyone knew who I was, and my age, plenty of drinking in ditches and fields and the like but never the local pubs. To come to terms with the excitement I proceeded to spend a couple of hours drinking brandy as though it was tapwater, then, boom,legs gone, found on the ground outside by mate who called my brother. Ended up getting put into the back seat of the parents car, that was all I could remember til the following morning when I woke with an all merciful sickness, thinking 'could have been worse' til the abuse came about how much I had thrown up all over the back seat on the way home.

I have drank copious amounts of alcohol since, but not one drop of brandy.

Yokes, or Gary's. Creamfields in Liverpool many years ago, i'l check the year sometime, Osman scored twice in a 2-1 win at home to WBA, I remember this as I was supposed to go but had started necking yokes early doors and was in no fit state to go to Goodison. Once at creamfields I decided to neck 3, not a pretty sight as I left a tent that felt like the ground was wobbling underneath me, the plod seemed to be only throwing out lads who were worse for wear, so when I emerged from the tent I wanted to just throw up but had two cops on horses staring right at me, how I managed the 20 yards til I got out of their line of sight before throwing up all over the shop i'l never know. Proceeded to lose the 3 mates and spend all evening on me own, then received a bollocking off the ex that I was taking too much when back at the hotel I needed to bum more off them as mine were all long gone, told her I had sold loads but think i'd only given a scottish lad 1 or 2 in exchange for a bit of speed.

Acid. 3 of us decided to neck 2 paper acid one night as it was going about that these 'weren't that strong'. Pitch black we decided to take these and walk through a woodland with a nearby river out to my house, which in any normal state takes 30 mins max. We were down to 2 after no time as one of the lads went on the missing list, he reckons he woke up the following morning in the nearby golf course and strolled home. Losing him was what set my anxiety on I reckon, so i'l always blame the prick. Proceeded with the mate as we walked along by the river I just became overcome with fear that I was walking in the middle of the river, tediously putting one foot in front of the other so as not to drown despite several attempts by my mate to reassure me the river was 'over there', 'over fkn where' is all I thought, thinking we were engulfed in the bloody thing, after a while we just wanted to get to mine and chill out, but ended up continuously getting lost, we talked about getting a taxi until we realised how the fk can we when we dont know where we are. It took us over 6 hours that night to get to mine, and when the lights came on we were covered in dirt, head to toe, had some laughs then as the relief to be away from that fkn river kicked in.

'Weren't that strong', fk right off.

Some great smoking and drinking episodes too, getting off your tits is great craic.
Was in Amsterdam about 8 years ago. Me and my mate devoured a mushroom the size of a bonzai tree that we bought from some ropey, niche drug paraphanalia outlet.

After spending 3 hours being chased around the streets by Japanese tourists taking pictures of us (no idea if they actually existed tbh) we ended up in one of those fancy schmancy wine bars furnished with all high tables and tall bar stools.
The thing about most psychadelics is that they severely impair your sense of depth and distance.

So here I was sat a mere 2 ft off the ground on this bar stool, which to me looked/felt like a 50ft drop beneath my feet. I sat there for about 3 hours desperately clinging to the nearby table for dear life, fearing I may plummett 2 ft to my death if I let go.

My mate meanwhile, had locked himself in a toilet cuibicle after wandering mistakenly into the womens room, fearing he'd be arrested as a wrong'un.

Happy days :D

One time at a river party Tilly and I asked for a bottle of Krug but they only had some bolshy Prosecco. Anyway, it was stinking cheap and we ended up drinking an absolutely horrendous amount!

Teddy was so drunk he threw his panama in the water and I had to drink some water as I felt a little squiffy.
inspirational stuff this!
During school dinner time, with a couple of mates used to go to The Falcon, Southdene for a couple in our school

I know quite tame.

Not the most drunk I've been but once saw a fella flat out on the first floor of the Swan on Wood street, 2 doormen literally had to arm and leg him out and after we had left saw him doing the worlds slowest walk down towards Slater street at a 45 degree angle propped up and dragging himself against the walls opposite Woody's. We carried on our night only to later see that he'd managed to join into the queue for Republik. The fella was polluted no chance he knew/could remember this happening but pretty much everyone in that queue was getting selfies with him as he slowly zombie walked past.
Went on a beak/tablet binge in Speke from Fri night to Monday morning about 11, went to town on the Saturday and vaguely remember bits of that part of the weekend

Ruined me for weeks that one and cost me a bomb
I woke up after a heavy session on tequila in the early eighties to find three stinking trout heads scattered across my bed. Apparently, one of the locals had been fishing and I'd bought him a pint for giving me the fish heads for my cat. Needless to say, I've not drunk tequila since.
Never been off "my tits" in my life.

Not sure if that makes me boring or I have a high capacity for alcohol - the former I suspect.

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