"Excellent" might be pushing it.
John-Nicholson said:
Pretty much any manager could keep Everton in the Premier League
Hope that's true.
Not sure why the relegation battles of the 90's have no chance of ever happening again but the fact we won a Cup in '95 means we can do that again. If we think we can recreate the glory days aren't the nightmare days also technically possible?
John-Nicholson said:
and as Moyes has not been any good in Europe, the much-praised regular top-half finishes are somewhat irrelevant, not least because the Europa League is hated by managers so much. If you're not committed to a European campaign then you might as well finish 14th as fifth. It gives you a few million more in merit payments but that money is drowned out by the huge TV deal about to kick in.
This is insane. First of all it's irrelevant to his tenure as manager -- the TV deal kicking in next year doesn't change the impact which the "extra" (compared with where we finished before Moyes) millions we got over the past 10 years have had on the club.
Honestly this bloody TV deal. EVERY team is getting the TV deal guys. So EVERY team will have more money. So that player who cost 4m last year ... now he's 5m ... or 6m. If everyone in Britain suddenly made 100k p/year do you think the shops would just keep prices at the same levels they are now? Good grief. I make more than my dad did in 1962 ... sadly new cars don't still cost two grand so it's not really relevant.
It will help a little sure and give us more of an edge over the continental teams (at our level) perhaps but for crying out loud it most certainly doesn't mean we can stop worrying about the extra (5?)m we'd get for 5th v. 14th. We have literally lost deals because we didn't have 1m spare in the past.
TV deal. TV deal. TV deal. It's not magic. I've seen lots of new TV deals in lots of different sports and it just inflates everything across the board. Some people are going to be VERY disappointed when this TV deal kicks in.
Player cost and salaries will rise. You know what won't rise? Our debt. Our debt will be the same (aside from normal increases from interest). So while other teams are spunking money left, right and center on inflated player costs the best value for that money might actually be paying down our debt and then using the TV money the following year when everything calms down a little.
John-Nicholson said:
Certainly the merit payments for the eight top eight finishes Everton have enjoyed haven't made them any more successful.
His alternative dimensions machine is still in fine working order then. Good stuff.
You're probably getting your wish guys so relax. No need to stretch reality to the breaking point to beat this dead horse. He may have had a fair point with the "never won anything" stuff at the start (if you're so inclined) but trying to suggest the millions from good league finishes don't matter at all is just silly.