A shame the 'Boris' Dramatisation didn't portray him as the complete scumbag he is, then again those that worship at his alter do not get angry knowing he wanted them dead so I doubt anything could sway them."of all the scandals, out of all the corruption, the thick as pig ship publics imagination spurred on by a frickin tv show and it's me caught in the crossfire. oh lordy why me..."
They are the ultimate oversight organisation.Yes but if the cps were (wrongly) told the evidence was sound, you can’t blame them for coming to a wrong decision. The cps are not there to reinvestigate but to review
I wonder which tech billionaire is primed to step in just in case...Fujitsu has a contract with HMRC. Oh dear.
nope, that’ll be the attorney general.They are the ultimate oversight organisation.
Just as if one of the biggest cases of the time should be left to the P.O. despite massive doubts about what they were doing amongst MPs and the media.
It's literally incredible that the CPS with powers to intervene didn't do so to the good of those accused. In fact, what they did was to reinforce what the P.O. concluded.
That was on Starmer's watch. He tries to make political capital of his time as DPP, now he should face the music over what he did in this - now celebrated - case.
I'm sure there is stuff in Asda kids range that should fit, or at least something he'll eventually grow into!You`d think with all his money, he could afford a pair that fitted him.
They display his pointy shoes to best effect. This is a man who has never heard of cherry-red DMs, far less had them resoled several times.You`d think with all his money, he could afford a pair that fitted him.
so that it is only available for the rich. Read a series of books by The Secret Barrister and it gives a real eyeopener into the legal system and how it is brokenWhy is justice so expensive?
Yes. To pardon a person who has pleaded guilty could be a judicial nightmare because they have not been found guilty by a jury - they've admitted guilt.Isn’t one of the complications with most of these cases is that the accused pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of false accounting to avoid being prosecuted for theft and the real chance of going to prison.
If that’s the case does the legal system work slightly differently and becomes more of a processing of cases because a guilty plea has been entered?
Horizon was abandoned by the DWP from the outset because they knew it was rubbish.Questions: Is Horizon still in use in the Post Office?
Is Horizon used by other large organisations such as banks, credit card companies, tax authorities etc?
Are Fujitsu and the employees involved going to get a kicking over all this?
Dave, please go and read the guidance. For a private prosecution, it is stated:It was one of THE major cases of the day. I doubt very much that they needed to be informed about these cases. Hundreds were being pursued by the P.O. on Starmer's watch. And the CPS did have the power to intervene and quash these convictions at any time.
Rather, cases were placed in the in-tray at the CPS and the convictions were regarded by them as safe. The CPS are currently looking at just how many of them were referred to them. There's more to come on this.
So the CPS have the right to intervene when informed, but it does not mean the CPS must intervene. For public prosecutions, they will have been involved.the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has power under section 6(2) POA 1985 to take over private prosecutions; in some cases, the private prosecutor must seek the consent of the Attorney General or of the DPP before the commencement of proceedings. The private prosecutor is not under a duty to inform the CPS that a private prosecution has commenced...
Where the CPS receives a specific request to intervene in a private prosecution, the CPS should contact the private prosecutor and invite them to supply a complete set of the papers that they intend to use to support their prosecution. The CPS should request any information which undermines the prosecution or assists the defence with their case. The private prosecutor should also be asked for details of any complaint made to the police and the result of any police investigation.
Which shows how bad it must be, DWP are not known for making good decisions on anythingYes. To pardon a person who has pleaded guilty could be a judicial nightmare because they have not been found guilty by a jury - they've admitted guilt.
There is also a concern that a blanket pardon may excuse the small minority who actually did commit fraud.
Horizon was abandoned by the DWP from the outset because they knew it was rubbish.