It's still the same entities in control as it was 10+ years a go.
Rights and Media Funding Limited
2 new charges June 2023 from Galloway (Cyprus) Limited and Carroch (Bahamas) Limited
Simon Crispin Groom and Marie-France Bastaroli Pineau are directors of Galloway (Cyprus) Limited
Simon Groom is a Monaco based lawyer of Groom Hill.
Both of them were directors of Balzane Services SA, which was used by Vibrac as a vehicle to transfer “movable assets” through Switzerland between 2011 and 2014 before making loans to football clubs.
Once upon a time Simon Groom was a director of a Rio Football Services - you might have heard of them, they were involved in third party ownership of players and transfers, notably Tevez and Mascherano. Linked to Everton BFFs Pini Zahavi and Kia Joorabchian.
Graham Shear
acted for Rio Football Services Hungary Kft when they took Sevilla to court over the transfer of Luís Fabiano.
Graham Shear
acted to secure Right & Media Funding as the lender of €67m to
La Liga.
Graham Shear is personal lawyer of David Knight, current executive chair of Rights and Media Funding Limited.
Graham Shear acted as lawyer for Vibrac.