MSP Sports Capital

I am back.

It is MSP. Farhad recoups some of his investment

I don't know who the other investors are. It is possible. But someone on this site could also be a co-investor and I wouldn't know.

Theyre the most experienced multi club owners and obviously have the Aston Martin investment as well.

Have to question their motives if theyre coming in now as sole owners.
Joking aside, Mosh’s consideration being dependent on future performance is probably his best outcome, given professionals should increase the clubs value with even a modicum of effort, and should ensure some proper long term planning etc. Just so long as the conditions aren’t solely net assets, EBITDA in comparison to borrowings etc. Some actual footballing criteria would be nice, but that’s unlikely.
Would be investment criteria only I would guess

If MSP are indeed interested in acquiring a majority stake in the club, it does make you wonder why 1) they didn’t trigger the much reported loan repayment clause of 50% of shares plus one (although the exclusivity agreement between FM and 777 may have delayed them doing so and 2) what their plans are as Bell and Downing were reportedly in bed with them, but are now a rival bidder….clearly it would seem that did not agree with whatever plan MSP had in mind
File these under 777 Hell to the no category. They are flip floppers and it’s very telling that Bell and Downing bounced on them. It makes me think they don’t have the best intentions for the club.
