I often admit to being wrong mate, because like most people posting on here I’m giving opinions on things way above my actual knowledge. I’m not a premier league footballer or manager, and am fully aware that most of the stuff I spew out in boredom on here would be laughed at by someone who was. I appreciate you’re one of the few without that self awareness.Or you could just admit what you said was wrong instead of reacting like a child. I feel like that might be difficult for you though.
In this instance though, no I don’t believe that I need to retract saying ‘people insist he’s great’ just because you don’t think someone has used those exact words. I think it’s clear to anyone not looking for an argument or with an agenda that it was a general turn of phrase rather than an attempt at a direct quote.
My point was, and remains, that I think people seem very entrenched and defensive about their opinions on Patterson in both ways. The responses since I posted it have very much affirmed that view, so cheers for proving me right.