There is a growing problem with daytime and night time vermin in the area, turns out everyone knows who is responsible, some pillock has taken it upon himself to be feeding the urban foxes, and even when the foxes aint around the foods being ate. It doesn't help that there's a shut in a few doors away that wont deal with either their front or back garden, so there's a ton of cover, ready food, and a lack of natural predators (cats), so now people are noticing a growing problem, some poor schmo that works on cruise ships so aint here all that much had to rip up all the decking that covered his back yard, there was 'kin hundreds of em. And now there's a ton of rules on poisoning because bait has to be covered to stop birds getting at it. I've a few traps here n there, if I kill a few I may post them to him. The massive 'kin prick!