I think the small club thing is being made into a bigger issue than it is to be honest. Certainly my main issues with him are that I think he'd be a generally uninspiring appointment anyway, that I think he plays the exact opposite of the football I want to see, and that I think he's just a truly awful fit for where we are as a club. The Liverpool connection and small club comments are just what pushes him from the 'I really don't want him' bracket into the 'Absolutely not' bracket.I understand what you're saying here. But it's somewhat aligned with what I'm trying to say.
Some people are holding to account comments made years ago in the heat of the moment as a reason they would now lose their emotions towards Everton's weekly fortunes.
I'll still be desperate for Everton to win every week and enjoy it every bit as much as I ever have. Regardless of the manager having once said something incorrectly in anger, that was mainly against an ex-managers tactics. An ex-manager might I add, who would go on to take a dump on the club from great heights, who I'd be far less inclined to forgive.
People are different, I don't think you're wrong for saying you can forgive and forget but I also fully understand why others see it differently. It's a little bit like a partner cheating I suppose, some people will take them back and others will literally never speak another word to them, it's just the way it is.