Well whatever rocks their world is generally fine with me but there are others here with an agenda, most definitely!Can people not have different opinions without being Liverpool supporters ? Benitez would not be my choice but he may be the choice of some.
There are a few regular posters on here over the years that I would suggest support clubs other than Everton but I haven't seen a campaign to purge the site of them.
Possibly you could let us all know what an acceptable attitude would be for members going forward ?
As it happens it seems to me that Liverpool supporters are as unhappy about this as we are as they feel it will ruin his legacy at their club and there is always the lurking dread that he may be a success at Everton.
Most can be spotted anyway and perhaps my choice of wording could be better.
I'm not here to be an Arbiter of what is acceptable I'm sure Mods etc can do that without my little voice having any bearing on it and fair play to them if they do, but if there are WUM kopites on here then those that are spotted and called out for it, then that's fine with me.
You seem to take some offence at my post though which is surprising?
if they are offended by his much heralded arrival at Everton then that's also up to them, couldn't give a rats ass to what kopites feel to be honest but for me personally he is not for us, never will be and is a very serious error of judgement at board level
hope that's cleared it up for you!