This scares me more than anything
Without reading the whole document it is impossible to be certain but my interpretation is that this is part of an appeal .It means that any deal between Friedkin and A-Cap to settle/partially settle the debt on takeover remains uncertain on outcome as the court has refused to provide any indication so far on whether it would approve ie refusing to take sides between A-Cap and Leadenhall as to who Friedkins should pay at this stage.
This means Friedkin, A-Cap, Leadenhall either have to reach a negotiated agreement between all parties fast to jointly seek court approval (which you would expect to be granted) or A-Cap/Leadenhall persist with the legal stand-off meaning Friedkin has to either walk away again or proceed with the takeover with the counter-party ownership and repayment schedule for this £200+m debt still unresolved.
Basically means we will be selling Branthwaite for whatever we can get in Jan in order to pay for the rolls of turf going down atm.Can anybody explain that in lay mans terms and say what (if any) effect it has on the takeover.
This scares me more than anything
Sadly that may not be that far removed from the truth if the takeover doesn't go through.Basically means we will be selling Branthwaite for whatever we can get in Jan in order to pay for the rolls of turf going down atm.
It means that any deal between Friedkin and A-Cap to settle/partially settle the debt on takeover remains uncertain on outcome as the court has refused to provide any indication so far on whether it would approve ie refusing to take sides between A-Cap and Leadenhall as to who Friedkins should pay at this stage.
This means Friedkin, A-Cap, Leadenhall either have to reach a negotiated agreement between all parties fast to jointly seek court approval (which you would expect to be granted) or A-Cap/Leadenhall persist with the legal stand-off meaning Friedkin has to either walk away again or proceed with the takeover with the counter-party ownership and repayment schedule for this £200+m debt still unresolved.
I couldn't see a scenario where TFG are happy to sit on this until March 2025 in a context where they may need to take decisions in quite a narrow timeframe regarding Everton to help ensure we avoid relegation.
I'd guess for the formal completion of the takeover the charge documents would need to be changed also (?) so in that sense it would make sense to have everything wrapped up and agreed re the A-Cap debt in parallel with the requisite approvals. The legal firm representing R&MF were quite open with tweets on this process regarding the takeover as it applied to that portion of debt.
So perhaps its mainly about banging heads together and trying to put a squeeze on. I would be confident the takeover will proceed along the expected timeframe. TFG are the only game in town for repayment here, as agreed with A-Cap. If Leadenhall have an issue with it, then they will have to justify to their equity partners why these terms are not good enough, and where any money from this tranche owed is going to come from.
Moshiri and his "blinder"
He still got the better of 777 in negotiations. Nothing has changed.
If 777 had negotiated a better deal, we would still be here (or maybe we wouldn't) ACAP and or Leadenhall would be in a stronger position with repayment and we in a worse one without the haircut.
The 777 deal was always happening regardless.