Have we aquired any land at all?When Liverpool secured the land on Stanley park wasn't that all over the echo? We've apparently bought a whole load of land down at the docks and there's no evidence for it anywhere?
We have an agreement toHave we aquired any land at all?
No.Have we aquired any land at all?
Source?We have an agreement to
HP please sweetcheeks. Go easy on the bacon.Source?
*AllegedlyWe have an agreement to
Extra sausage you tease?HP please sweetcheeks. Go easy on the bacon.
Plenty of sausage. Extra thickExtra sausage you tease?
That's me out then.Plenty of sausage. Extra thick
We have an agreement to
* buys strap-on and re-joins playgroup.Ffs.
*looks for new playmate
Have we aquired any land at all?