New Everton Stadium

Old 'bowl' shaped grounds like the old wembley and stamford bridge were unpopular designs, as the stands behing the goals were way to far back for optimum viewing angles of the pitch... theres no way anybody designing a football stadia would even consider this shape.

you then have the new bowl shaped stadiums like the emerates... alltho very spaciuos and grand i found the view awfull from the away end.

i think tink there can defiunately be a happy medium, with a design similar to the emirates but much more along the lines of something we are after. the deign might still be a 'bowl' as all the corners will be filled in with out having any voids or joins in the stands.
The problem is the distance it has to go back to get the track in (remembering the other end is square) it will be almost half a pitch again on from the football setting. You'd need very long bridges to link up to a static concourse.

Not really, all dependant on how you stack the tier. You 'could' break it into a stack every, say 10 rows. That would drastically reduced the spacial requirements for the storage. Like theatre seating.

Not that that seating will be used, if moveable tiers are needed.
why has their been continuous discussions for weeks about running tracks? As far as i can see, there has never ever been a mention about including a running track, the only things i've seen is people involved saying there won't be a running track. Everything meis says seems to point to the fact we won't have one. Why not wait until worrying and fretting about it?
And the chances are we won't get the Commonwealth Games. They've already started publicly floating the idea of sharing with Manchester. 'Manchester could host some events...' (e.g. Athletics). It's dead in the water.

This really, if the 2022 Commonwealth Games ends up coming to England, which there seems to be a 50/50 chance, then it'll go to either Birmingham or Manchester. Joe's just ( quite aptly really ) grandstanding with talk of the 2026 games.

Of course he can and it can be done without leaving a massive gap between the pitch in football mode. But it will add more expense and the unanswered questions are 1) would we ever hold another athletics event after the commonwealth games and 2) will the city even be awarded it in the first place?

Starting with point 2, I've seen on this thread people saying Manchester and Birmingham already have the facilities to hold the event and while yes they may have the majority of the venues there is only one stadium in the country capable of holding the track and field currently and that is the Olympic Stadium.

Unless it is held there then a new stadium will be built or significant changes (be it temporary or not) will be required to an existing athletics track to raise the capacity to the 40k minimum level. I don't see how people can automatically say Birmingham will be awarded the games as the biggest part like Liverpool would still need to be built.

If we do have a multi purpose stadium capable of holding track and field events, it will by far the largest stadium outside of London. The thing is there is only one big meet in the UK per year and that is now called the Anniversary Games. As its name suggests it is about the Olympic legacy so could that take place in Liverpool? A lot will depend how this years World Championships go, apparently they are looking at a conversion cost of around 8 million and a time frame of 2 weeks, that could mean West Ham playing somewhere else at the start of the season. Here is an article on the situation:

Should there be any problems that cause the conversion to cost more or take even longer then there could be an argument for another stadium to host the big athletic events in this country, even if it was on a rotating basis.

We would need to be sure though that the same problems will not exist in any proposed stadium we put forward. The converstion would need to be cheap and be able to be packed away in a short space of time.

If it was to be just a one off event then surely it would be better to have the games first and then finish the stadium afterwards. Although that would delay us moving in. We would need a massive subsidy from the council to even consider this.

My personal view is that it is not worth the hassle, yes host the opening/closing ceremonies if thats possible but let someone else deal with the rest. Or even better we don't get the games in the first place and that can be the end of the discussion. However a bugbear of mine is how it can be dismissed impossible or not workable with football being the primary focus unless you have a great big oval type stadium. That does not have to be the case and if the council are prepared to stump up 100 or so million (or at least reduce the amount we pay back per year to that value) if we get the games then it is worth considering if it can increase revenues and elevate our stadium from 'that's great' to 'god damn thats the bomb!'
Your point on the athletics stadium is incorrect. Birmingham has the Alexander Stadium which I believe holds about 25,000, which is plenty enough for the Commonwealth Games.
Your point on the athletics stadium is incorrect. Birmingham has the Alexander Stadium which I believe holds about 25,000, which is plenty enough for the Commonwealth Games.

Not from what I can find. The capacity is 12,700. They would look to expand it if they got the games though to around the level you have mentioned.

It would be on the small side compared to previous games held in the UK, but I suppose unless a new crop of british medal hopes start appearing that may well be enough.
The Mayor, who's clearly driven by a CWG bid, is already trying to influence things in that direction "Anderson has asked Everton to consider including a running track in the stadium blueprint.'
Meis implied approval of a bowl by tweeting 'no columns in a bowl' which received a backlash so he went on to say it's not a bowl, 'bowl is a generic term for seating/stands.'
I'm no expert but that seems to allow a lot of wriggle room depending on how you define bowl. Ultimately, it'll be his employers EFC who decide anyway.
The fact that Liverpool is unlikely to get the CWG is not relevant given the stated stadium timeframe. The CWG's decision won't be made until Sept 2018 and we all hope the design will have navigated planning by then.
If Anderson succeeds and gets his running track expect a PR job that'll try to convince Evertonians the design is an exceptional, state of the art multifunctional stadium that is definitely not, in any way, a bowl.

The design for the BMD stadium is already done and will be released when EFC have the funding guaranteed and want to announce it. That's the hold up. It is not a bowl. There is no running track. Why do you think Anderson suddenly started throwing Manchester's name around as hosting some of the events in recent days? Because he now knows there is no chance of a permanent running track at BMD or even a temporary one. Glasgow hosted the 2014 games. Opening & closing ceremonies at Celtic Park (no running track) and athletics at Hampden Park in a different city, Edinburgh. That's what Anderson is referring to - the athletics being held in Manchester.

Really wish I could say more but I can't and I realise that makes me look like the usual dreaded self-styled ITK on here but it's gonna be a 58000 four sided stadium with one side being a massive one tier 15-20000 seater 'kop' stand (for want of a better word). There is not going to be a running track under any circumstances. That's not in Dan's design, that's not the wish of the club, the club realise what a total PR disaster it would be, and they've learned from the West Ham situation, as referenced by Dan himself on Twitter.

The Commonwealth Games bid really has no real influence at all on the design and building of this new stadium. I appreciate some people find that hard to believe due to Joe at times trying to marry up the two concepts together but that really is the case. The design for the BMD stadium will be out long before the outcome of the Commonwealth Games bid is known and they're not putting a running track in on the off chance that Liverpool gets awarded the games, nor is there any contingency plan to change the design and insert a track if the bid is successful.
The design for the BMD stadium is already done and will be released when EFC have the funding guaranteed and want to announce it. That's the hold up. It is not a bowl. There is no running track. Why do you think Anderson suddenly started throwing Manchester's name around as hosting some of the events in recent days? Because he now knows there is no chance of a permanent running track at BMD or even a temporary one. Glasgow hosted the 2014 games. Opening & closing ceremonies at Celtic Park (no running track) and athletics at Hampden Park in a different city, Edinburgh. That's what Anderson is referring to - the athletics being held in Manchester.

Really wish I could say more but I can't and I realise that makes me look like the usual dreaded self-styled ITK on here but it's gonna be a 58000 four sided stadium with one side being a massive one tier 15-20000 seater 'kop' stand (for want of a better word). There is not going to be a running track under any circumstances. That's not in Dan's design, that's not the wish of the club, the club realise what a total PR disaster it would be, and they've learned from the West Ham situation, as referenced by Dan himself on Twitter.

The Commonwealth Games bid really has no real influence at all on the design and building of this new stadium. I appreciate some people find that hard to believe due to Joe at times trying to marry up the two concepts together but that really is the case. The design for the BMD stadium will be out long before the outcome of the Commonwealth Games bid is known and they're not putting a running track in on the off chance that Liverpool gets awarded the games, nor is there any contingency plan to change the design and insert a track if the bid is successful.

Hope you're right but Hampden Park is in Glasgow
The design for the BMD stadium is already done and will be released when EFC have the funding guaranteed and want to announce it. That's the hold up. It is not a bowl. There is no running track. Why do you think Anderson suddenly started throwing Manchester's name around as hosting some of the events in recent days? Because he now knows there is no chance of a permanent running track at BMD or even a temporary one. Glasgow hosted the 2014 games. Opening & closing ceremonies at Celtic Park (no running track) and athletics at Hampden Park in a different city, Edinburgh. That's what Anderson is referring to - the athletics being held in Manchester.

Really wish I could say more but I can't and I realise that makes me look like the usual dreaded self-styled ITK on here but it's gonna be a 58000 four sided stadium with one side being a massive one tier 15-20000 seater 'kop' stand (for want of a better word). There is not going to be a running track under any circumstances. That's not in Dan's design, that's not the wish of the club, the club realise what a total PR disaster it would be, and they've learned from the West Ham situation, as referenced by Dan himself on Twitter.

The Commonwealth Games bid really has no real influence at all on the design and building of this new stadium. I appreciate some people find that hard to believe due to Joe at times trying to marry up the two concepts together but that really is the case. The design for the BMD stadium will be out long before the outcome of the Commonwealth Games bid is known and they're not putting a running track in on the off chance that Liverpool gets awarded the games, nor is there any contingency plan to change the design and insert a track if the bid is successful.

Would love to believe your description but sounds to good to be true. The funding document and the interviews with Elstone point to a smaller capacity closer to 50k. Regarding the athletics track if there is no chance of it being considered in the design I am surprised this has not been confirmed publically definitively given the concern amongst supporters in light of the London stadium debacle

The design for the BMD stadium is already done and will be released when EFC have the funding guaranteed and want to announce it. That's the hold up. It is not a bowl. There is no running track. Why do you think Anderson suddenly started throwing Manchester's name around as hosting some of the events in recent days? Because he now knows there is no chance of a permanent running track at BMD or even a temporary one. Glasgow hosted the 2014 games. Opening & closing ceremonies at Celtic Park (no running track) and athletics at Hampden Park in a different city, Edinburgh. That's what Anderson is referring to - the athletics being held in Manchester.

Really wish I could say more but I can't and I realise that makes me look like the usual dreaded self-styled ITK on here but it's gonna be a 58000 four sided stadium with one side being a massive one tier 15-20000 seater 'kop' stand (for want of a better word). There is not going to be a running track under any circumstances. That's not in Dan's design, that's not the wish of the club, the club realise what a total PR disaster it would be, and they've learned from the West Ham situation, as referenced by Dan himself on Twitter.


I'm surprised there's any need to learn from the West Ham situation. The stadium was never ever designed for football so no architect hired by a football club would give it even a second's glance. Even if a running track was being considered as a temporary option at BM, and I'll take your word that it isn't, the Olympic Stadium solution wouldn't be the way to go about it.

If there's going to be no temporary running track it'll be because the club thinks the cons of getting involved in a CWG outweigh the pros (which we can speculate might be help with the cost, some worldwide exposure of the new stadium, being a part of a major event happening in the city etc.). If they felt the pros outweighed the cons, I doubt for a second the West Ham situation would scare them off, as that's not the way they (or Meis) would go about it anyway. If they felt the pros outweighed the cons they might look to Manchester as the example or looks at Atletico's new stadium, not London.

I've said it before, in terms or capacity, design, financing, everything....what West Ham are doing is an irrelevance. There's nothing to learn from it. I find it impossible to believe it would've influenced anything in Meis or Everton's thinking.

BTW, Hampden is in Glasgow. For the 2014 Games only the diving was farmed out to Edinburgh.
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Not a fan of the bowl shape myself but Athletic Bilbao's san memes stadium is beautiful imo, its not square but not quite a bowl and inside is very compact and intimate. Plus the location on the river is similar to ours - I would love that in blue!!

I would try and upload some pics but havent got a clue. But its impressive
Had a brain fart - yeah, I know Hampden Park is in Glasgow. Apologies. They did hold some events in other cities for the 'Glasgow 2014' Commonwealth Games, including events in Edinburgh and Clyde. I stand by the rest of the entire post though, capacity, general design, everything, etc.
The design for the BMD stadium is already done and will be released when EFC have the funding guaranteed and want to announce it. That's the hold up. It is not a bowl. There is no running track. Why do you think Anderson suddenly started throwing Manchester's name around as hosting some of the events in recent days? Because he now knows there is no chance of a permanent running track at BMD or even a temporary one. Glasgow hosted the 2014 games. Opening & closing ceremonies at Celtic Park (no running track) and athletics at Hampden Park in a different city, Edinburgh. That's what Anderson is referring to - the athletics being held in Manchester.

Really wish I could say more but I can't and I realise that makes me look like the usual dreaded self-styled ITK on here but it's gonna be a 58000 four sided stadium with one side being a massive one tier 15-20000 seater 'kop' stand (for want of a better word). There is not going to be a running track under any circumstances. That's not in Dan's design, that's not the wish of the club, the club realise what a total PR disaster it would be, and they've learned from the West Ham situation, as referenced by Dan himself on Twitter.

The Commonwealth Games bid really has no real influence at all on the design and building of this new stadium. I appreciate some people find that hard to believe due to Joe at times trying to marry up the two concepts together but that really is the case. The design for the BMD stadium will be out long before the outcome of the Commonwealth Games bid is known and they're not putting a running track in on the off chance that Liverpool gets awarded the games, nor is there any contingency plan to change the design and insert a track if the bid is successful.

Great post, mate ;)
The design for the BMD stadium is already done and will be released when EFC have the funding guaranteed and want to announce it. That's the hold up. It is not a bowl. There is no running track. Why do you think Anderson suddenly started throwing Manchester's name around as hosting some of the events in recent days? Because he now knows there is no chance of a permanent running track at BMD or even a temporary one. Glasgow hosted the 2014 games. Opening & closing ceremonies at Celtic Park (no running track) and athletics at Hampden Park in a different city, Edinburgh. That's what Anderson is referring to - the athletics being held in Manchester.

Really wish I could say more but I can't and I realise that makes me look like the usual dreaded self-styled ITK on here but it's gonna be a 58000 four sided stadium with one side being a massive one tier 15-20000 seater 'kop' stand (for want of a better word). There is not going to be a running track under any circumstances. That's not in Dan's design, that's not the wish of the club, the club realise what a total PR disaster it would be, and they've learned from the West Ham situation, as referenced by Dan himself on Twitter.

The Commonwealth Games bid really has no real influence at all on the design and building of this new stadium. I appreciate some people find that hard to believe due to Joe at times trying to marry up the two concepts together but that really is the case. The design for the BMD stadium will be out long before the outcome of the Commonwealth Games bid is known and they're not putting a running track in on the off chance that Liverpool gets awarded the games, nor is there any contingency plan to change the design and insert a track if the bid is successful.
So have you seen the designs?

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