New Everton Stadium

If the project is about to collapse it is an odd time to hire a programme director for it and for Keith Harris to tell Dan Meis in NYC two weeks ago that he can start to ramp his team back up after his holidays (Dan having previously hired at Elstone's say so only to have to let people go when nothing happened fast enough). I'm not saying it cannot or will not collapse, simply that there are currently EFC initiated actions that suggest a different view.
Where did you get this information from?
I mean re Spurs.

I found this quite amusing.

In September 2014, the remaining business with two plots on the development site, Archway Sheet Metal Works, initiated a legal challenge in the High Court that the compulsory purchase order was unlawful and invalid.[56] In November 2014, Archway Sheet Metal was subjected to a suspected arson attack, which destroyed their factory on the site.[57] On 20 February 2015, the High Court judge ruled that the compulsory purchase order was legal and valid. He also refused permission to appeal though it could be referred directly to the Court of Appeal,[58] which on 13 March 2015 Archway Steel confirmed to the Club it would not be pursuing.[59] On 31 March 2015, in a joint statement the Club and Archway Sheet Metal Works announced that agreement had been concluded on the sale of the remaining plots on the Paxton Road required for the development to proceed.

Dont mess with Levy.
Well mess with him just enough to get a pay off, then collect the Insurance on the fire as a bonus...allegedly
I think we should split it into 6 threads......
One for those who just believe
One for those who want to believe
One for those that believe it won’t happen
One for those who want to believe it won’t happen (Rawkists)
One for those who want it to happen but have seen this all before
One for those who can no longer give a toss........
Then for convenience sake put them all in one thread
Not necessarily. This is a huge project with many facets that can affect any dates, many are beyond Evertons control. These are issues potentially leading to delays though, not to Binning it off. Right from the beginning I didn't feel that Anderson was correct in his assumptions of 3 years, and I think I stated it, that hasn't changed. I was under the impression that PP was to be applied for in December, that didn't happen. Why it didn't, I dont know but I suspect, and purely conjecture on my part, it was linked to the change in masterplan for LW. There was a deadline for the creation of the documents required for PP though, and that would mean that a huge chunk of the work has been completed. I'm not sure most people are aware of the level of detail required by the design team to successfully apply for PP at this project value and impact.

I can't tell you when I think PP will be applied for, simply because I don't know. I hope its soon though.
I'm genuinely neutral on this matter as I have no idea whether the stadium is going ahead or not, but I think Dave's right that he's asked a question which you aren't answering. You are clearly confident that there is no issue regarding the build, but at what point would your opinion change if there is no update regarding planning permission etc? Obviously you don't have to answer, but I would be interested to know too.

I still think not getting the CWG was a big blow to Moshiri, its worked well for City and I believe it will work out well for West Ham in the end, taxpayer funded stadiums. It would cost considerably less to update/change any CWG stadium but all the infrastructure would already be in place so would have been a great deal.
Let's all go full on Kopite like they did when their Stanley Park project was stuttering invade the dockside with some plant hire JCB diggers start pecking away through the concrete to prove a point or two.

Please tell me they didn't do that

From 2008:

The Sons of Shankly protest comes 440 days after US co-owner George Gillett pledged: “The shovel needs to be in the ground in the next 60 days or so.”

Though they did kind of had a point about those owners.

Amazing people put exact timescales on these things. Can't help feel Meis made a rod for his and the club's back by saying weeks for new renders. It still doesn't feel to me like this project is moving slowly compared to similar ones given its complexity, but Meis' promise not being kept has made people edgy. It's kind of daft.
I'm genuinely neutral on this matter as I have no idea whether the stadium is going ahead or not, but I think Dave's right that he's asked a question which you aren't answering. You are clearly confident that there is no issue regarding the build, but at what point would your opinion change if there is no update regarding planning permission etc? Obviously you don't have to answer, but I would be interested to know too.

The only time I would become concerned is if they came out and said, we are not building a stadium on BMD.
I still think not getting the CWG was a big blow to Moshiri, its worked well for City and I believe it will work out well for West Ham in the end, taxpayer funded stadiums. It would cost considerably less to update/change any CWG stadium but all the infrastructure would already be in place so would have been a great deal.

You may have a point but this was never going to be a taxpayer funded stadium if we did get the CWG, from what I read it was costs towards the altered layout and restoring to a normal ground (like the raised pitch and added running track at Hampden Park) that we'd have got, and not sure what else. It was always EFC first CWG second if that makes sense.
I still think not getting the CWG was a big blow to Moshiri, its worked well for City and I believe it will work out well for West Ham in the end, taxpayer funded stadiums. It would cost considerably less to update/change any CWG stadium but all the infrastructure would already be in place so would have been a great deal.

Nope. When Moshiri got involved the CWG were still going to be in Durbhan, or where ever they got pulled from. IMO they were a convenient fig leaf for the SPV thing.

I get why folk get angsty about all this. But if you share my view that the longer game for a lot of rich folk is, whilst not 100% dependent on, pretty well linked to this ground getting done, life becomes easier, and clearer.

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