You a binman then mate? Great job and I've heard the wages are decent as well.
not in this weather
raaar pain in the arse
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You a binman then mate? Great job and I've heard the wages are decent as well.
any jobs going at your place? I don't mind a long commuteYou a pen pusher Chris lad?
I used to be in the same game by the sounds of your dealings. I decided one day I was sick of the rat race and the clientele so pushed myself to change things - got my ears pierced, line in my hair and now earn my corn stress free in the photography industry with a clientele of beautiful women often with fake boobies instead of stressed out middle aged council workers - best thing I ever did.
Anyway whens PP expected roughly April/May?
might have already been mentioned but when will we hear back on a decision etc?
Hope we get involved with somebody to do a documentary about BMD build from planning going through until completion of construction.I just watched Richard Hammond's 'Big' on the Discovery Channel which was showing the episode dedicated to Spurs new stadium. Got to say it's bloody impressive. Got me all excited for Bramley Moore.
Kin'el. Aint bothering reading that lot.