New Everton Stadium

Does this send out an alarm this early on that local government loans are needed to fill the vacuum where private capital should be?
Or they could be getting in early on a piece of the action.
The Council arent exactly minted with spare money to throw at something in a...I'll risk a fiver they must be expecting a return on their investment down the track

I did and he should, we all should, What is this Life and all that................
Pipe down mate don't tell anyone on here or anywhere they should take risks. People make their own choices according to their own beliefs and circumstances. I am sure you do the same. You want to take risks fine don't preach to others who have told you they don't want to.
Pipe down mate don't tell anyone on here or anywhere they should take risks. People make their own choices according to their own beliefs and circumstances. I am sure you do the same. You want to take risks fine don't preach to others who have told you they don't want to.
I ain't preaching Brother, just making a sweeping statement!

and NO I Wont PIPE DOWN!

anyway back to Stadium Thread!
Are you one of those who is scared to hold the handrail on the Underground, so risks a fall down 80 feet of moving staircase, life is about risks, take some Dave go on, I dare you!
No, I'm one of those looking at the Covid19 deaths nudging up toward 200 deaths per day in the early days of Autumn and know there's a lot more fatalities to come and that attending a football match will put you in the firing line.
No, I'm one of those looking at the Covid19 deaths nudging up toward 200 deaths per day in the early days of Autumn and know there's a lot more fatalities to come and that attending a football match will put you in the firing line.
No problem with that fella, I look at the figures too! People are free to make their own choices tho, are they not?

the pleasure of being at Goodison(or whatever it may be) for some has been one thing they have held onto while taking Vaccines, Shielding etc so I'm all for taking a risk if the individual has considered the outcomes.


And I go (went) to the games in recent years when I could get a ticket handed to me...and I certainly wouldn't go now because of Covid19 and I'd advise anyone else not to attend games either because they're mugs gambling with their own health. I hope that's a full enough answer for you.

But what has all that to do with this proposed finacial deal? Nothing.
Nothing more certain tbf
People having a go at Dixieslaces for asking if Davek is one of those who doesn't take risks, (because it's his right to make his own decision) completely ignoring the fact that Davek has just called everyone who chooses to take a risk 'mugs'. And Davek liking all of his backup. Hypocrites everywhere haha
People having a go at Dixieslaces for asking if Davek is one of those who doesn't take risks, (because it's his right to make his own decision) completely ignoring the fact that Davek has just called everyone who chooses to take a risk 'mugs'. And Davek liking all of his backup. Hypocrites everywhere haha
Its a sorry affirmation of just how divided we have become, not just on footie!

Cheers fella.
That's a fair question. There must be Health and Safety aspects to consider I would think. Did Spurs allow it I wonder? @RobSpurs

Some guy who called himself Mr Av used to fly over the site and post footage on youtube...possibly illegally...

After a while the club started doing their own (I assume they had permission from the contractors and it wasn't just Levy trying out his new Christmas present) ...


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