That's the difference. The public transport at most major London clubs is far higher capacity than what is currently on offer at BMD, and much of it is mass rapid transit. That's why the public transport usage at those grounds is often 95%+. According to our transport plan, BMD requires a substantial shift away from car use. Currently only 40% use public transport at GP, despite have multiple bus routes on its doorstep and several access points in all directions, with far more road lanes serving it. The club say it will have to be over 60% public transport usage at BMD to avoid gridlock and low dispersal rates. There is very little in the plan to explain how that works, beyond shank's Pony to town, Sandhills or Scotland Rd.
The Northern line is a great asset to BMD, but we're now being told that Sandhills' current arrangement would only allow approx 3000 people per hr to access it. So that, and the buses serving Scotland Rd would have to go some to shift the numbers required to meet the club's 60% criteria, with no direct services to the bulk of the city's suburbs..
Of course, the city centre is the key major hub that can give that distribution and capacity seen at the London stadia. If that connection is made efficient it could really boost public transport access.... but again apart from sketchy mentions of shuttle buses, there is very little in the plan to explain how those numbers can be achieved.