I'm not whining mate.Isnt there like a difference of 500 metres between the 2 docks?
But hey, you gotta find something to whine about aint ya.
I'm not whining mate.Isnt there like a difference of 500 metres between the 2 docks?
But hey, you gotta find something to whine about aint ya.
Put me ignore and do us both a favour.
It's ok, Alan.Sorry to break it to you lads but we are screwed.
Last season I started a tradition of walking into St Luke's cafe thing before the match.
Everytime I did, we won. I mean everytime.
So if we move. I can't see me walking all the way the Docks from St Lukes.
Sorry lads.
They best add a new train station in.
Mate you only need to look at the empty spaces at The Emirates, West Ham and City, football is an expensive hobby, the club already lets kids in for dirt cheap, hence the 34k pick up in ST sales. IMO we would struggle to fill 50k most weeks, granted if we started getting CL or so on the demand would grow, you could imagine the first time a Barca or a Real came not even 70k would be enough, but you cant plan a stadium for 2 games a season, an extra 10k and some outstanding corporate boxes and we would be set for a little while.
If we need more tiers, I cant imagine they wouldnt think of future proofing when building.
They best add a new train station in.
Sandhills isnt a million miles away.
I read somewhere that a mono-rail shuttle system is being proposedThey best add a new train station in.
One question... how long would you envisage or guesstimate ST prices remaining at current levels?A 52,500 seat stadium should be expected to cost between £280 million and £340 million approximately depending upon quality of finish and design features.
Based on the following criteria, such a stadium would generate an additional £16 million a year in revenues from Premier League games.
- We build a 52,500 seat stadium with 5,000 executive/premium seats and 20 additional boxes
- Season ticket prices remain the same, executive/premium seats cost an average of £200 per game, other tickets average £50 per game and executive boxes cost £75,000 per season – all inclusive of VAT
- The model uses the existing ratio of junior, under 22’s and seniors amongst our season ticket.
- Assumes we would sell out each game and have 35,000 season ticket holders.
- Assumes 2,500 away supporters at each game paying £30 a head.
- 10,000 non season ticketholders and “turn up” supporters at each game.
- No consideration of cup games/European games for ease of calculation