Not reading my post properly?
I imagine
@Tramps_mate horrible side-effect also hasn't been 'officially-confirmed' as being caused by the jab. The hoops victims have to jump through to get that hallowed status!
The article says these figures are
suspected cases of serious side-effects of the jab. They are almost certainly
under-reported as many aren't aware or don't bother with registering their issues (in Germany via the Paul-Ehrlich Institute, in US via VAERS etc)...around
350,000 self-reported cases in Germany alone...this is much higher than the 1-in-5000 per-jab figure from earlier, because it encompasses all self-reported vaccine-complications. Some of these may be mild or short, but still notable enough to have made the effort to report. Around 50,000 of these are the heavy ones.
Getting the serious ones officially confirmed is a logistical bureaucratic nightmare, even getting the local Doc to take it seriously enough to forward on is a mission itself. There's no national program to admin this.
Let's talk Risk/Benefit. Taking the baseline 1-in-1500 figure (of serious adverse-effects), even rounding it up to 1-in-2000...for relatively-healthy 12-50 year olds we clearly see there is more risk of a serious side-effect from the Covid-Vaccine then there is from requiring
intensive-care from the illness itself.
Anyone doing their own Risk/Benefit-calculation would probably think twice if such knowledge was common...
...what's interesting to me - as a student of classic dystopian literature and its relation to the contemporary world - is how readily (and eagerly!) folk dismiss any fair-minded criticisms of the vaccine. This behaviour comes after decades of a given ingrained distrust of 'Big Pharma'. Suddenly, a media-driven pandemic of a cold-virus happens and now everyone (well, almost everyone) absolutely trusts Big Pharma:
This sort of guff explained away by the catch-all:
the science is always changing, trust the science.
I'm here on the sidelines stroking my pointy ears, constantly murmering
"fascinating" to myself.
trust the science mantra alone is a brand new logical fallacy. We saw it become a faith-based thing in real time lol
At least I'm not totally banned here (tho' i will accept if it comes). Other places have been quick to outright ban my user-profiles. One forum-administrator's reasoning was
"worrying the other members."
Make of that what you will etc.