I think I have been clear on that in these threads.
Yes mate, yes you have....
My point is let's try not to be underwhelmed until an appointment is made...you think KOEMAN isn't/wouldn't be an ambitious appointment? I disagree and genuinely feel a lot of us are going out of our way to find fault in a MASSIVELY higher calibre of potential managers than we've EVER been afforded the luxury of in the past...
Fact of the matter is - and as painful as it is - we're simply not a big a club as some of us think we are. Yes, there is a 'project' on the table and there is more positivity about the future than there ever has been and, hand in hand with that, more dough available also...but we're still an underperforming, mid-table team with a potential glut of players who want to off. The appeal of that is both minimal and alluring at the same time. Sound, JOSE flashed his panties and used us as a pawn in a much bigger game, fair play to him...but the standard of pursuit ATM is SO much better than it has been in the past, IMO KOEMAN falls into that too...whereas the likes of HUGHES/DYCHE/HOWE etc simply don't...
I'm not having a pop at you BTW mate, not at all...I just think we all need to take the pan off the gas for a bit before we burn our beans.
Which is poss the worst sentence I've ever typed.
Of course, feel free to pop it back on when DAVID MOYES is re-appointed like....