we've tapped him up or Saints won't accept the news they said yes to talks
I know mate I didn't miss that bit haha. Juts putting my opinion across that I'm pretty certain it was the second option...
we've tapped him up or Saints won't accept the news they said yes to talks
The madness!
It's what Ronald has done to us. Imagine what it'll be like in three years!
Whoever is getting married has my deepest sympathy.Get off here and enjoy the wedding mate!!
Whoever is getting married has my deepest sympathy.
it was like seeing into the future and what the world will be like when Trump takes over!This thread has had it all! None of the ITKs saw that racist coming did they?
I wasn't taking a shot at @Zatara he's great, especially because he winds so many people up here for just giving his honest opinion. That other fella just seemed like an antagonist,
it was like seeing into the future and what the world will be like when Trump takes over!
Oh I know mate, I was agreeing with you![]()
Here is the interview Monchi has recently given about his departure from Seville. Translated from Spanish using Google translate
ramon rodriguez verdejo 'monchi' has spoken in the radio official of club for explain the reasons for the that wanted leave the direction sports sevillista. with the voice ravine during several minutes, monchi has state during half-hour, in solitary, giving its version of the happened in the last days in nervión: "i am assimilating all the that has past, with the sensation of not have achieved the that intended but assuming that was a possibility. assuming that when i decide give the step the possibility of not achieve the that i intended was. something sad, because not i have been capable of that nobody me believe, that is the penalty larger that i have. the not have been capable of that something so simple as the that i raised not convince to almost nobody. the strategy not was the good. but i believe that was the only that could do. since the tuesday to the 8 and half of the late that is all history, i am dump in my work, but if i have that penalty of that the people, much people, not has believed the that i thought, possibly therefore is here today. the sevillistas deserve that i of a explanation the wider possible. as pose this situation the pose with the objective, perhaps too much simple, and therefore nobody is the has believed. ago a month, more or less, in my environment familiar, that is who really my known and me suffers, after a year complicated that fortunately has finished magnificently, that me ago me account of that something not goes well inside of my head. for me, lose the day of espanyol or the day of pomegranate, those days, my sorrow, my cabreo, is much greater that the joy of win in basilea. in those mementos, reflecting with my family, thought that to the better was the moment of stop a little and reciclarme. to the better is moment of stop and rest a little. once finished the final, had a commitment with my people of that if is won some title was the moment of can go out, a proposal inside of my environment and i i decide give that step. the tuesday begins other time the eternal doubt. appeared other time the side of say not i can go of seville. but i was working. i come the end of week, the sunday, i returned with my family, and di the step. the monday, that there is advice, is the moment. the day not could be worse. not me remembered that the president had a topic personal much more important that monchi, already him i asked pardon to he and the i do publicly, more that for jose castro for the father. announce my idea, me asked think but already the had determined. is spoken of the planning, perhaps more in detail that other times because knew the that was to say after, was a advice calm, as always in the seville. after that them announcement my decision. not them i said me i go of seville, them i asked that me stop go of seville. the explanation is that need rest, catch air fresh, desbloquearme. i recognize and i assume that i was more aggressive that in other circumstances, i was so because not there is nobody in the world that know better to monchi that monchi and if i am not so aggressive in as to the deadlines i i know that not with him the that i wanted, that was rest. because the first that avoids that monchi out of seville would be monchi. they had started of new the doubts, the not know € needed the urgency for me. had given a step that was impossible of think that the could give. needed answers fast for that monchi not is eat to monchi. all can think that could have been of other form, but is very difficult. to priori, not there is a day in the calendar for that the announcement had had certain support. my son me said that not me outside. imaginaros that i am strong and i hold the heave, lose the supercopas, begins the team bad and to the middle of september the team goes bad and monchi says in september that is goes € not there is a moment. 30 of may € possibly neither was the moment. thought in do before the final but neither. for me exit, for the that i wanted achieve, not had a moment good. not i have offers of nobody, not me has called nobody, alone was rest. understand that the people, as is a thing so simple, not the understand and say that there is something behind. the problem is that much people not me known. have thought that would do monchi being they, to my not me know. psg, milan, manchester, the president is angry, not me approved the budgets, not € was very simple. only i raised that because wanted rest, not was enjoying. not has nothing that see that is happy for the titles with that is tired and have the need of rest. this not goes to leave no sequel. the club has fact the that had that do, the that had fact monchi, put to the seville for ahead of monchi. the monchi of before of 330 of may had position to the club for ahead of monchi. if the club considers opportune that for go out had that comply the contract € that is the that the monchi of before of 30 of may would have fact, the that has fact always. me had i liked that they had valued my need, but is the that had fact monchi. the 15 minutes that hard the exhibition before the junta is the only time that monchi has position to monchi for ahead of seville. when comes a player and me says that is wants go because has a offer i him i say that is remita to the clause, the club has acted as has that act. i not me i go to go of seville never paying the clause, can not go, is impossible. i not i can go out of seville for the door of behind. not me i go to go of seville for the door of behind € for will own. other thing is that the things go bad. take 28 years here and the day that out, as said will be of front. since of here, not there is that look more for behind. i believe that i have that give the thanks publicly to all the that me have supported. thru of message, networks social, has been impressive. give the thanks of the way wider that can. and also ask pardon to all those that have suffered, that have had moment of doubts, and to you that has i could do damage. i return to say, the single that wanted was rest. was saturated. said all this, not goes to be no sequel. the seville is very for above € very tucked inside of me same. is perfectly unlink the things. obviously needed and need that rest. i believe that there is forms and ways of can paliarlo. let's go atrabajar and we are working for that that blockade not again to happen. although is the that i have that say, but is the truth and spoken with the heart, my delivery will be, if it fits, more that always. to the sevillistas that them i have order pardon them i must all the effort, the hours of sleep that have had of less and the hours of less. and more if it fits to the that me have given many samples of support. if my responsibility always has been eternal with the sevillistas, now, after the that has past, the is multiplied for more. creedme, is the single that i ask, the that more me hurts. not there is more. not him seek more feet to the cat, that this is the reality. not you may have no doubt of that the that has past already has past, of that the illusion and the forward for follow working in the seville are maximum, of that i am convinced of that us let's go to return to excite this summer with the template that let's go to form and that all let's go to fight for follow getting the successes that all crave".
Well that was a interesting 20 page read.
This hot weather sure brings the best out in some folk.
Anyway hurry up efc sort it out
He say's 'I do' his girl will say 'I don't'Fairly certain it is him getting married. Apparently when asked whether he does, he shouted "it's off."
He's unaplogetically everything @chicoazul can't stand about our generation. I love it.