Timmy's not "divisive" - he's just uncompromising. To his own detriment.
Football guys have been trying to make a linebacker out of Tim since he was twelve, and he's insisted all the time that he's a quarterback. That's what the problem comes down to. Ask Verlon Dorminey, who has a bunch of state champioships, and tried to make a linebacker out of Timmy at Trinity Christian Academy. Timmy got himself home schooled and got himself an address on another edge of the Jax metro area. There was a potential world beater team building at Nease HS, and Tim could home school and participate in extracurricular activities in his "home" district. Tim comes from folks who think outside the box. His new HS coach specialized in the kind of offense that he ran there and at UF. State championships ensued, and Tim was the most famous HS quarterback in the world for awhile.
He moved heaven and earth (with a lot of help) to make it happen in high school, carried it through college, and lots of people benefited - everybody attached to Tim - coaches (where is his college coach now, again?), family, friends and advisors, all did well. Very well. He has a statue (a freaking statue!) and a scroll with his "promise": in stone on the side of the stadium in Gainesville. Tim hit his Peter Principal QB limit at the NFL, after winning championships at every level. He's a striker who gets 30 in the Championship and three in the Prem. Compared to everyone, a great footballer.
Tim will succeed at whatever else he does, so he's I'm really arsed about the impact on him. He could still make a helluva tight end though, wouldn't he?