time to go to work and make people laugh now.
i hate this day already
time to go to work and make people laugh now.
i hate this day already
7th here we come.
I would love to hear a reporter ask Moyes in the post match interview why he insists on playing Naismith.Moyes answers will go down in history. Just that simple question Davy WHY ? Not forgeting the sub goal keeper could play better on the right
As has been said for years, the nearer Moyes gets to success the more negative he becomes. Now we've got no chance of coming 4th and the pressure's off to do so, watch us now start winning games again.
Totally agree Naismith was totally ineffective for the whole of the game never went forward once, I was screaming at the screen to take him off but no Moyes takes better players off and leaves the poorest player on the park on the pitch.
**** the FA cup, any ****e team can go on a cup run, it means nothing.