Your message (
Nothing has changed.) contains what a moderator perceives to be inappropriate language.
GrandOldTeam prides itself on offering Everton fans a place for intelligent and respectful debate about the issues that matter to them, offering a feature-rich, intelligent and moderated forum for our readers to share their own personal views on all things Everton FC related. We're enormously proud of the websites ethos, one which we thinks accurately represents the Evertonian community as the very best in the World.
We do ask that all visitors follow our relatively laid back guidelines to ensure these forums remain user-friendly, and one of these is the avoidance of;
p) Poor, profane or obscene language of any type is not welcome - even when it's 'censored' to include asterix or even in jest.
Bad language or profanity negatively impacts our search engine ranking, puts us at risk of losing our advertising income and above all, it sours the atmosphere of the forum.
Thank you.