a whole wheel of cheese?
I've skimmed this thread and seems like I missed a good one. It covers a fair few things! Evolution, abortion, euthansia etc (this is an Everton forum right ).
Anyway to get back on topic.
Why not. It means he hasn't had the time to be coerced, backed in to a corner, be pressurised and all the other trimmings that come with weaseling around in US politics. It gives him a clean slate. No allegiences he has to hold true once he gets to power, no back scratching that he has to reciprocate etc.
I mean if you think about it, what does the President actually do. He makes decisions. Based on what exactly? 143 days in office!? Nope. Try his 47 years of being a human being and all the experiences that comes with.
McCain by contrast is completely the opposite end of the scale. Entrenched in old boy networks and political 'partnerships', favour and debt. He IS the old hand of the US political system and all the bad things it signifies(from my perspective). I've seen interviews by this guy and I've not been convinced at all. He's not an idiot by any means, but he is not a president either.
26 years in congress buys you a lot of owed favours and backhand deals that will get called in. Lot's of enemies along the way. I bet he has seen a lot of history made before his eyes, but I bet it wasn't all good along the way. Too scarred in my opinion. Too stale.
Who the hell would want a military mind at the helm of the biggest nuclear arsenal in the universe anyway. Much less a damaged individual that has been in captivity by a one time enemy of the country he is now trying to become the leader of and the scars that come with being a POW!
71 years old. That to me is not a good thing, no matter what spin you put on it. I wouldn't trust him driving a car to the corner shop let alone run a country sporting nuclear capability. *excuse me whilst I finish my belly laugh at that prospect *
Anyway. I'm not bigging Obama up too much. I don't think he is the complete package. I do think he could become what he aspires and promises to be though given time and the chance to do it.
For me, if I was an American, I think that would be enough. The last few presidents have been largely redneck hick idiots that were covered in surface thin gloss that when scratched revealed what incompetent ignorant fools they were.
Obama just seems different. He seems more promising. More Kennedy-esq to be honest. McCain just seems more of the same, and that is no good thing.
My 2p Dylan
Anyway to get back on topic.
At the risk of the wrath of the left:
If I only had 143 days of experience, would you hire me to fix your car?
Would you hire me to run your company?
If I only had 143 days experience, would you hire me to run the Country?
Why not. It means he hasn't had the time to be coerced, backed in to a corner, be pressurised and all the other trimmings that come with weaseling around in US politics. It gives him a clean slate. No allegiences he has to hold true once he gets to power, no back scratching that he has to reciprocate etc.
I mean if you think about it, what does the President actually do. He makes decisions. Based on what exactly? 143 days in office!? Nope. Try his 47 years of being a human being and all the experiences that comes with.
McCain by contrast is completely the opposite end of the scale. Entrenched in old boy networks and political 'partnerships', favour and debt. He IS the old hand of the US political system and all the bad things it signifies(from my perspective). I've seen interviews by this guy and I've not been convinced at all. He's not an idiot by any means, but he is not a president either.
In contrast, John McCain's 26 years in Congress, 22 years of military
service including 1,966 days in captivity as a POW in Hanoi now seem
more impressive than ever. At 71, John McCain may just be hitting his
Think about it! A great many people in this Country have obviously gone
stark raving mad!
26 years in congress buys you a lot of owed favours and backhand deals that will get called in. Lot's of enemies along the way. I bet he has seen a lot of history made before his eyes, but I bet it wasn't all good along the way. Too scarred in my opinion. Too stale.
Who the hell would want a military mind at the helm of the biggest nuclear arsenal in the universe anyway. Much less a damaged individual that has been in captivity by a one time enemy of the country he is now trying to become the leader of and the scars that come with being a POW!
71 years old. That to me is not a good thing, no matter what spin you put on it. I wouldn't trust him driving a car to the corner shop let alone run a country sporting nuclear capability. *excuse me whilst I finish my belly laugh at that prospect *
Anyway. I'm not bigging Obama up too much. I don't think he is the complete package. I do think he could become what he aspires and promises to be though given time and the chance to do it.
For me, if I was an American, I think that would be enough. The last few presidents have been largely redneck hick idiots that were covered in surface thin gloss that when scratched revealed what incompetent ignorant fools they were.
Obama just seems different. He seems more promising. More Kennedy-esq to be honest. McCain just seems more of the same, and that is no good thing.
My 2p Dylan